TM 55-1520-240-T4-12.3 FULL AUTHORITY DIGITAL ELECTRONIC CONTROL (FADEC) VISUAL CHECK4-12.3FAULT ISOLATION PROCEDUREReferences:INITIAL SETUPTM 1-2840-265-23TM 55-1520-240-23Applicable Configurations:With 74Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Tools:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Repairer's Tool Kit,Electrical Power OffNSN 5180-00-323-4915Hydraulic Power OffMaterials:Controls Closet Acoustic Blanket RemovedNoneControls Closet Panel OpenPersonnel Required:Engine Work Platforms OpenAircraft ElectricianEngine Access Covers OpenTASKRESULT1.Check FADEC control panel (1).If NR% control knob (2) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required. If either engine PRI/REV switch (3or 4) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If B/U PWR OFF/ON switch (5) is loose ordamaged, tighten or replace it as required. If LOADSHARE PTIT/TRQswitch (6) is loose or damaged, tightenor replace it as required. If OSPD 1/2 switch (7) is looseor damaged, tighten or replace it as required.2.Check ENGINE CONDITION control quadrant (8).If either NO. 1 or NO. 2 lever (9 or 10) is loose ordamaged, replace the quadrant.3.Check thrust control position transducer (11).If thrust control position transducer (11) is loose ordamaged, tighten or replace it as required. If wiring orconnector to transducer is damaged, repair or replacewiring or connector as required.4.Check DECU(Digital Electronic Control Unit) NO.1 (12).If DECU NO. 1 (12) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required. If wiring to DECU NO. 1 isdamaged, repair or replace it as required.5.Check DECU(Digital Electronic Control Unit) NO. 2 (13).If DECU NO. 2 (13) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required. If wiring to DECU NO. 2 isdamaged, repair or replace it as required.GO TO NEXT PAGE4-264 Change 17
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