TM 55-1520-240-T4-12.4 FULL AUTHORITY DIGITAL ELECTRONIC CONTROL (FADEC) OPERATIONAL CHECK4-12.4INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23With 74Equipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:Electrical Repairer's Tool Kit,Battery ConnectedNSN 5180-00-323-4915Electrical Power OnMaterials:Hydraulic Power OnNoneVisual Check of FADEC Performed (Task 4-12.3)Personnel Required:Aircraft ElectricianTASKRESULT1.Check that ENGINE NO. 1 PRI CONT, REV CONT andIf circuit breaker (1, 2 or 3) is open, close it. If circuitSTART & IGN circuit breakers (1, 2 and 3) are closed.breaker (1, 2 or 3) opens again, go to task 4-12.5,task 4-12.6 or task 4-10.5, respectively.2.Check that ENGINE NO. 2 PRI CONT, REV CONT andIf circuit breaker (4, 5 or 6) is open, close it. If circuitSTART & IGN circuit breakers (4, 5 and 6) are closed.breaker (4, 5 or 6) opens again, go to task 4-12.5,task 4-12.6 or task 4-10.6, respectively.3.On FADEC control panel (7), set 1 and2 PRI/ REVCautions (10 and 11) should be out. If either caution isswitches (8 and 9) to PRI. Check FADEC 1 and FADEC illuminated, go to task 4-12.7.2 cautions (10 and 11).4.Look at fault display (12) on DECU No. 1 and No. 2 (13Display should show 88. If any other code shown, copyand14).code and refer to Table 1 for maintenance action.5.On ENGINE CONDITION quadrant (15),move NO. 1Each display should show 88. If any other code shown,andNO. 2 levers (16 and17) to GROUND. Look atcopy code and refer to Table 1 for maintenance action.fault display (12) on DECU No. 1 and No. 2 (13 and 14).6.Open ENGINE NO. 1 and NO. 2 PRI CONT circuitCautions (10 and 11) should be illuminated. Fault displaybreakers (1 and 4). Check FADEC 1 and 2 cautions (10(12) on both DECUs (13 and 14) should be blank.and11) andfault display (12).7.Open ENGINE NO. 1 REV CONT circuit breaker (2). Caution (10) should go out. DECU No. 1 display shouldClose ENGINE NO. 1 PRI CONT circuit breaker (1). show code A6. If it does not, replace DECU No. 1.Move 1 PRI/ REV switch (8) to REV and back to PRI.Check FADEC 1 caution (10) and fault display (12).8.Close ENGINE NO. 1 REV CONT circuit breaker (2). Caution (10) shall illuminate.Open ENGINE NO. 1 PRI CONT circuit breaker (1).9.Open ENGINE NO. 2 REV CONT circuit breaker (5). Caution (11) should go out. DECU No. 2 display shouldClose ENGINE NO. 2 PRI CONT circuit breaker (4). show code A6. If it does not, replace DECU No. 2.Move 2 PRI/ REV switch (11) to REV and back to PRI.Check FADEC 2 caution (11) and fault display (12) onDECU (14).TASKRESULT10.Close ENGINE NO. 2 REV CONT circuit breaker (5).Caution (11) shall illuminate.Close ENGINE NO. 1 PRI CONT circuit breaker (1).11.Move pilot's thrust control (18)through its range.Fault display (12) on both DECUs (13 and 14) shouldCheckfault display(12)on DECU No. 1 and No. 2 (13show 88. If not, copy code and refer to Table 1 forand 14).maintenance action.12.On ENGINE CONDITION quadrant (15), move NO. 1and NO. 2 levers (16 and 17) to STOP.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Hydraulic power off.Electrical power off.Battery disconnected.Table 1. DECU FAULT DISPLAY CODE MAINTENANCE ACTIONFAULTMAINTENANCE ACTION/FAULTMAINTENANCE ACTION/CODEREFER TO TASKCODEREFER TO TASK10 to 18Replace DECU.D0Replace DECU.1B and 1CReplace DECU.D1Refer to task 4-12.33.1E and 1FReplace DECUD2Refer to task 4-12.34.A1Refer to task 4-12.8.D3 to D9Replace DECU.A2Refer to task 4-12.9.DA to DDReplace DECU.A3Refer to task 4-12.10.DERefer to task 4-12.35.A4Refer to task 4-12.11.DFReplace DECU.A5Refer to task 4-12.12.E1Refer to task 4-12.19.A6Refer to task 4-12.13.E2Refer to task 4-12.20.A7Refer to task 4-12.14.E3Refer to task 4-12.21.B2Refer to task 4-12.24.E4Refer to task 4-12.22.B3Refer to task 4-12.22.E5Replace N2 Sensor.B4Refer to task 4-12.19.FlRefer to task 4-12.23.B5Refer to task 4-12.10.F2Refer to task 4-12.24.B6Refer to task 4-5.4.F3Replace HMU.B7Refer to task 4-12.27.F4Refer to task 4-12.25.B9Replace DECU.F5Refer to task 4-12.26.BA to BCReplace DECU.F6Refer to task 4-12.27.C1 to C8F7Refer to task 4-12.28.and CFRefer to task 4-12.15 or 4-12.16.F8Refer to task 4-12.29.C1 to C8Replace other DECU.F9Refer to task 4-12.30.C9Refer to task 4-12.17 or 4-12.18.FARefer to task 4-12.31.CFReplace other DECU.FBRefer to task 4-12.32.GO TO NEXT PAGE4-268 Change 17 Page 4-267 is a blank page.
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