TM 55-1520-240-T7-4.3 SWIVEL LOCKS SYSTEM VISUAL CHECK (Continued)7-4.3TASKRESULT1. switch guard (1). Check BRAKESTEER switch (2).Close switch guard (1).Check power steering and swivel lockmodule (3).Check swivel lock control valve (4).Check wheel brake control valve (5).Check swivel lock actuator (6) on right,landing gear (7).Repeat step 6. for actuator (6) on leftlanding gear (10).Check power steering module accumula-tor gage (11) for pressure indication.If switch guard (1) or switch (2) is loose or dam-aged, tighten or replace it as required.If module (3) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required. If tubing to module is loose or dam-aged, tighten or replace it as required.If valve (4) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace itas required. If wiring or electrical connector to valveis damaged, repair or replace it as required.If valve (5) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace itas required. If wiring or electrical connector to valveis damaged, repair or replace it as required.If actuator (6) is loose or damaged, tighten or re-place it as required. If hydraulic hose or tube to actu-ator is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If swivel lock actuator rod (8) is extendedbetween swivel lock pins (9), landing gear-locked,replace actuator (6).Accumulator gage (11) should indicate 3,000 psi orutility hydraulic system pressure as indicated onmaintenance panel. If pressure is not correct, checkaccumulator precharge; service if necessary andpressurize to 3,000 psi. If power steering moduledoes not maintain pressure, go to task 7-5.9.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:NoneEND OF TASKChange 47-143
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