7-4.4 SWIVEL LOCKS SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)TM 55-1520-240-T7-4.4TASKRESULTTASKRESULT1. Check that HYDRAULIC BRAKE STEERcircuit breaker (1) iS closed.2. Check accumulator gage (2).3. Set SWIVEL switch (3) to LOCK.4. Set SWIVEL switch (3) to UNLOCK.5. Manually turn left aft landing gear wheel(6) clockwise 180degreesand release it.6. Set SWIVEL switch (3) to LOCK.7. Set SWIVEL switch (3) to UNLOCK.8. Manually turn left aft landing gear wheel(6) counterclockwise 180degreesandrelease it.9. Set SWIVEL switch (2) to LOCK.If BRAKE STEER circuit breaker (1) is open, closeit. If it opens again, go to task 7-4.5.Gage (2) shall indicate at least 3,000psi.If It doesnot, service accumulator.Swivel lock actuator rods (4) shall extend betweenswivel lock pins (5) on each aft landing gear. Ifeither landing gear is not locked, go to task 7-4.6.Both swivel lock actuator rods (4) shall retract andunlock right and left aft landing gears. If bothgears remain locked, replace STEERING CON-TROL box. If only one gear remains locked, re-place swivel lock actuator on that landing gear.Landing gear wheel (6) shall remain where posi-t i o n e d.Left gear wheel (6) shall turn to neutral (trail aft)position. Both swivel lock actuator rods (4) shallextend between swivel lock pins (5) on each aftlanding gear. If wheel does not turn or turns butdoes not reach neutral position, repair or replaceswivel housing and spindle.Both swivel lock actuator rods (4) shall retract andunlock right and left Ianding gear.Landing gear wheel (6) shall remain where posi-tioned.Left gear wheel6) shall turn to neutral (trail aft)position, Both swivel lock actuator rods (4) shallextend between swivel lock pins (5) on each aftlanding gear. If wheel does not turn or turns butdoes not reach neutral position, repair or replaceswivel housing and spindle.10. Repeat steps 4 through 9 for right aftlanding gear wheel (7). switch guard (8). Set BRAKE STEERswitch (9) to OFF. Cycle SWIVEL switch(3) three times from LOCK to UNLOCKto LOCK.Set BRAKE STEER switch (9) to ONthen back to OFF.Pump pilot’s brake pedals three times.Check accumulator gage (2).Set BRAKE STEER switch (9) to ON. Closeswitch guard (8).Both swivel lock actuator rods (4) shall retract andunlock right and left landing gear. If both gearremain locked, go to task 7-4.7.NOTEWhen swivel lock actuator rodsretract, this indicates that swivellocks, power steering, and wheelbrakes are isolated from utilitysystem.Both swivel lock actuator rods (4) shall extendbetween swivel lock pins (5) on each aft landinggear.Gage (2) indication shall remain steady. If indica-tion decreases, replace check valve (10).FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCET M 5 5 - 1 5 2 0 - 2 4 0 - 2 3:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffAft Landing Gear Loweredand Jacks RemovedEND OF TASK7-145
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