TM 55-1520-240-T7-7.3 ENGINE HYDRAULIC STARTING SYSTEMOPERATIONAL CHECK7-7.3Equipment Condition:INITIAL SETUPTM 55-1520-240-23:Applicable Configurations:Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OnAIIHydraulic Power OnTools:Ignition Switch Key RemovedNoneGeneral Safety Instructions:Materials:NoneMake sure that rotor blades arePersonnel Required:clear of obstructions and that67U10 Medium Helicopter Repairerpersonnel are aware that rotor67U20 Medium Helicopter Repairerblades may turn during enginemotoring. Turning blades canReferences:cause damage or serious injury toTM 55-1520-240-23personnel.TASKRESULT1. Check that ENGINE NO. 1 START&TEMP circuit breaker (1) is closed.If START & TEMP circuit breaker (1) is open, closeit. If it opens again, go to task 4-4.6.If START & TEMP circuit breaker (2) is open, closeit. If it opens again, go to task 4-4.8.2. Check that ENGINE NO. 2 START&TEMP circuit breaker (2) is closed.Light (3) shall momentarily come on. If it does notlight, go to task 4-4.9.3. Press and release ENGINE 1 STARTERON light (3).Light (4) shall momentarily come on. If it does notlight, go to task 4-4.10.4. Press and release ENGINE 2 STARTERON light (4).MOTOR NO. 1 ENGINE5. Set ENGINE 1 START switch (5) to MO-TOR.ENGINE 1 STARTER ON light (3) shall come on.NO. 1 ENGINE gas producer tachometer (6) shallindicate 10to15%N1as starter motors engine. IfENGINE 1 STARTER ON light does not come on,go to task 4-4.9. If engine does not motor, go totask 7-7.4.NO. 1 ENGINE gas producer tachometer (6) in-dication shall decrease to 0. If tachometer indica-tion does not decrease or engine continues to mo-tor, go to task 7-7.5.6. Set ENGINE 1 START switch (5) toOFF.D145 8391 SPA45 x 54GO TO NEXT PAGE7-202
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