TM 55-1520-240-T8 - 7 . 3 H Y D R A U L I C P R E S S U R E I N D I C A T I N G S Y S T E M O P E R A T I O N A L C H E CK8 - 7 . 3INITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:AllTools:NoneMaterials:NonePersonnel Required:Medium Helicopter RepairerReferences:TM 55-1520-240-23Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OnHydraulic Power OnHydraulic Pressure Indicating System Visual CheckPerformed (Task 8-7.2)TASKRESULTCheck that HYDRAULICS PRESS IND circuitbreaker (1) is closed.Check UTILITY HYDRAULICS PRESSURE indi-cator (2).If circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 8-7.4.Indicator (2) shall indicate 2500to3500psi andpointer shall not fluctuate more than 100 psi. If indi- does not indicate 2500to3500psi or ifpointer fluctuates more than 100psi, go to task8-7.5.If it is not, set switch (3) to BOTH.Indicator (5) shall indicate 2500to3200psi andpointer shall not fluctuate more than 100 psi. If indi-cator does not indicate 2500to3200psior ifpointer fluctuates more than 100psi, go to task8-7.6.Check that FLT CONTR switch (3) is at BOTH.Set POWER XFR No. 1 switch (4) to ON.Check HYDRAULICS FLT CONT NO. 1 PRES-SURE indicator (5).Set POWER XFR No. 1 switch (4) to OFF.Set POWER XFR No. 2 switch (6) to ON.Indicator (7) shall indicate 2500to3200psi andpointer shall not fluctuate more than 100psi. If indi-cator does not indicate 2500to3200psi or ifpointer fluctuates more than 100 psi, go to task8-7.7.Set POWER XFR No. 2 switch (6) to OFF.7.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffE N D O F T A S K8-124Change 13
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