TM 55-1520-240-T8-15.3 ROTOR TACHOMETER OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)8-15.3TASKRESULT1. that ROTOR TACH circuit breaker(1) is closed.Check that ROTOR TACH circuit breaker(2) is closed.Have pilot start engines and stabilize rotor rpmat 100percent. Check pilot and copilot rotor ta-chometers (3 and 4).Open BATT CHGR circuit breaker (5).Have pilot set BATT switch (6) to O F F .Check pilot and copilot rotor tachometers(3 and 4).Have pilot set BATT switch (6) to ON.Close BATT CHGR circuit breaker (5).Open ROTOR TACH circuit breaker (1).Check copilot’s rotor tachometer (4).Close ROTOR TACH circuit breaker (1).Open ROTOR TACH circuit breaker (2).Check pilot’s rotor tachometer (3).Close ROTOR TACH circuit breaker (2).If circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 8-15.4.If circuit breaker (2) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 8-14.4.Both tachometers shall read 98to101percent. Ifcopilot’s tachometer does not read 98 percent to101 Percent, go to task. 8-15.5 If pilot’s tachometerdoes not read 98 to 101 percent, go to task 8-15.6.If copilot’s tachometer varies or oscillates, replacecapacitor 054C1. If pilot’s tachometer varies or os-cillates, replace capacitor 054C2.Both tachometerseither tachometertask 8-15.7.Tachometer (4)shall read 98 to 101 percent. Ifpointer drifts downscale, go toshall read 98to101percent.Ifpointer on tachometer (4) drifts downscale, go totask 8-15.8.Tachometer (3) shall read 98to101percent.Ifpointer on tachometer (3) drifts downscale, go totask 8-15.9.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:Have Pilot Shut Down EnginesTM 55-1520-240-23:Hydraulics OffElectrical Power OffBattery DisconnectedrEND OF TASKChange 28-336.1
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