TM 55-1520-240-T9-18.2 MASTER CAUTION LIGHTS VISUAL CHECK9-18.2INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23AllEquipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:Electrical Repairer's Tool Kit,Battery DisconnectedNSN 5180-00-323-4915Electrical Power OffMaterials:Hydraulic Power OffNonePersonnel Required:Aircraft ElectricianTASKRESULT1.Check pilot's and copilot's MASTER CAUTION lightsIf lights (1 and 2) are loose or damaged, tighten or replace themas(1 and 2).required.2.Check CAUTION LIGHT (or LT) TEST switch (3).If switch (3) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it as required.3.Check CAUTION LIGHT (or LT) DIM/BRIGHT (or DIM/If switch (4) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it as required.BRT) switch (4).4.Check MASTER CAUTION (or CAUTION/ADVISORY)If caution panel (5) or capsules are loose or damaged, repair orPANEL (5).replace it as required.5.Check DOME SELECT or DOME switch (6).If switch (6) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it as required.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:NoneEND OF TASKChange 19 9-323
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