TM 55-1520-240-T9-18.3MASTER CAUTION LIGHTS OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued) 9-18.3TASKRESULT1.Check that LIGHTING CAUTION PNL circuit breakerIf CAUTION PNL circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it(1) isclosed.opens again, go to task 9-18.4.2.Check pilot's and copilot's MASTER CAUTION lightsBoth pilot's and copilots MASTER CAUTION lights (2 and 3) (2 and 3) and master caution panel capsules.and some capsules on master caution panel (4) shall come on bright. If caution capsules do not come on, go to task9-18.5 or 9-18.5.1. If pilots or copilot's MASTER CAUTIONlights do not come on, go to task 9-18.6. If master caution panel capsules and MASTER CAUTION lights come on dim,go to task 9-18.7. If one MASTER CAUTION light comes ondim and one comes on bright, go to task 9-18.12. Without 74if allcapsules in rows 4, 7, and 12 are on or if all capsulesin remaining rows are on, replace master caution panel. With 74 if all capsules in rows 4, 7, 12, and 16 are on or if all capsules in remaining rows are on, replace master caution panel. Repeat task 9-13.3.3.Press and release pilot's MASTER CAUTION light (2).Both pilot's and copilot's MASTER CAUTION lights (2 and 3)shall go out, lighted capsules on master caution panel (4) shall remain on. If pilot's and copilot's master caution lights remain on, go to task 9-18.8.4.Setand hold CAUTION LIGHTS (or LT) TESTswitch(5)All capsules on master caution panel (4) and MASTERtoTEST.CAUTIONlights (2 and 3) shall come on bright. If lights not come on, go to task 9-18.8.5.Release CAUTION LIGHTS (or LT) TESTswitch (5) toSome capsules on master caution panel (4) shall go out. If OFF.none go out, replace CAUTION LIGHTS (or LT) TEST switch.6.Open, then dose LIGHTING CAUTION PNLcircuitBoth pilot and copilot MASTER CAUTION lights (2 and 3) and some capsules on master caution panel (4) shall come on bright. If pilot's or copilot’s MASTER CAUTION lights do not come on, go to task 9-18.6.7.Momentarily set CAUTION LIGHTS (or LT) DIM/Lighted capsules on master caution panel (4) and bothBRIGHTswitch (6) to DIM.MASTER CAUTIONlights (2 and 3) shall dim, if not, go totask 9-18.10.8.Momentarily set CAUTION LIGHTS (or LT) DIM/Lighted capsules on master caution panel (4) and bothBRIGHTswitch (6) to BRIGHT.MASTER CAUTION lights (2 and 3) shall get bright. If not,go to task 9-18.7.9.Momentarily set CAUTION LIGHTS (or LT) DIM/BRIGHTswitch (6) to DIM.10.Checkthat DOME SELECT or DOME switch (7) is atIf switch (7) is not at OFF, set it to OFF.OFF.11.Checkthat LIGHTING COCKPIT DOME circuit breakerIf circuit breaker (8) is not dosed, close it. If it opens again, (8) is closed.go to task 9-14.3.TASKRESULT12.Set DOME SELECT switch (7)to WHITE.Lighted capsules on master caution panel (4) and bothMASTER CAUTIONlights (2 and 3) shall come on bright,if not go to task 9-18.11.13.Press and release copilots MASTER CAUTION lightBoth pilot's and copilot’s MASTER CAUTION lights (2 and 3)(3).shall go out. If not, go to task 9-18.8.14.Set DOME SELECT switch (7)to OFF.Lighted capsules on master caution panel (4) and both MASTER CAUTION lights (2 and 3) shall remain brightFOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-22:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.Hydraulic power off.END OF TASKChange 19 9-325
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