TM 55-1520-240-T9-22.3 CLOCK OPERATIONAL CHECK9-22.3INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23WithTM 55-1520-240-10Tools:Equipment Condition:NoneTM 55-1520-240-23:Battery ConnectedMaterials:Electrical Power OnNoneHydraulic Power OffPersonnel Required:Visual Check of Clock Performed (Task 9-22.2)Aircraft ElectricianTASKRESULT1. Check that PLT CLOCK circuit breaker (1)If PLT CLOCK circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If itis closed.opens again, go to task 9-22.4.2. Check that CPLT CLOCK circuit breakerIf CPLT CLOCK circuit breaker (2) is open, close it. If(2) is opens again, go to task 9-22.5.3. Check GMT display (3) on pilot and co-GMT display (3) shall indicate greenwich mean time.pilot clocks (4) and (5).If display is blank, replace battery on back of clockand set clock. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-20 for set-ting instructions.4. Press and hold SELECT button (6) on pilot’sClock display (7) shall indicate 88:88 and annuncia-clock (4) for three seconds.tors (8) shall light. If display does not indicate 88:88and annunciators are not lit, go to task 9-22.6.5. Rotate DIM control (9) on pilot’s clockClock display brightness shall vary. If it does(4).not, replace pilot’s clock.6. Press and hold SELECT button (6) on copilot’sClock display (7) shall indicate 88:88 and annuncia-clock (5) for three seconds.tors (8) shall light. If display does not indicate 88:88and annunciators are not lit, go to task 9-22.7.7. Rotate DIM control (9) on copilot’s clockClock display brightness shall vary. If it does not,(5).replace copilot’s clock.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power Off9-368Change 2GO TO NEXT PAGE
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