TM 55-1520-240-T
Change 24 16-191
1. Check FLARE DISPENSE switches (13) on pilots
If switch is damaged, replace cyclic stick grip.
and copilots cyclic stick grips.
2. Check DCDU (15) switches, indicators, displays,
If any switch, indicator, display, or light is damaged, replace
Dirty, loose or damaged electrical contact between the
and lights.
DCDU (15).
3. Check miscellaneous control panel (14).
If miscellaneous control panel (14) is loose or damaged,
tighten or replace as required.
4. Check programmer (2), electrical connectors, and
If programmer (2) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace
as required. If connectors or plugs are loose or damaged,
tighten or replace as required.
5. Check No. 1 (9) and No. 2 (7) sequencers, switches,
If sequencer (7 or 9) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace
electrical connectors, and plugs.
as required. If switch is damaged, replace sequencer. If
connector or plug is damaged, tighten or replace as
6. Check landing gear bypass status panel (1), lights,
If any light or switch on panel (1) is damaged, replace as
switches, electrical connectors, and plugs.
required. If connector to panel is loose or damaged, tighten
or replace as required. If wiring to connector is damaged,
repair or replace as required.
7. Check safety switch (12), safety pin, electrical
If safety switch (12) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace
connectors, and plugs.
as required. If safety pin is damaged, replace it. If safety pin
streamer is missing or frayed, replace it. If connector or
plugs are loose or damaged, tighten or replace as required.
8. Check junction box (3), connectors, and plugs.
If junction box (3) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace as
required. If connector or plug is loose or damaged, tighten
or replace as required.
9. Check MLV interface port (4), electrical connector.
If MLV interface port (4) is loose or damaged, tighten or
replace as required. If connector is loose or damaged,
tighten or replace as required.
10. Check crew dispense switches (8), electrical
If crew dispense switch (8) is loose or damaged, tighten or
connectors, and plugs.
replace as required. If connector or plug is loose or
damaged, tighten or replace as required.
11. Check payload modules (6 and 10) and dispenser
If payload modules (6 or 10) or dispenser assemblies (5 or
assemblies (5 and 11) wiring, electrical connectors,
11) are loose or damaged, tighten or replace as required. If
and electrical plugs.
module or dispenser wiring, connector, or plugs are loose or
damaged, tighten or replace as required.
payload module EMI gasket/breech plate and dispenser
assembly contacts and ground springs can cause misfires
of the counter-measures munitions.
12. Check payload modules (6 and 10) EMI gasket/breech If payload modules (6 and 10) EMI gasket/breech plate
plate and dispenser assembly (5 and 11) contacts and or dispenser assembly (5 and 11) contacts and ground
ground springs. springs are dirty, loose or damaged, clean, tighten or
replace as required.