TM 55-1520-240-T16-202 Change 24 16-5.3 AN/ALE-47 COUNTERMEASURES DISPENSER SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued) 16-5.3 TASKRESULT 77. Raise DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8) and move DCDU expendable count remains the same; CDT switch to on (forward). count stays at 00. 78. Lower DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8). 79. Set LDG GR BYPASS switch (28) on LDG GR SW BYPASS light on LDG GR SW BYPASS panel BYPASS panel (27) to BYPASS. (27) illuminates. 80. Raise DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8) and move DCDU will count down and displays 01:0 02:0 CH:__ FL:0; switch to on (forward). 00is displayed on CDTs. 81. Lower DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8) . 82. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to OFF, then to MAN 01:0 02:0 CH:__ FL:0 is displayed on DCDU. 83. Remove safety pin (30) from AN/ALE-47 safety switch (31). 84. Raise DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8) and move DCDU counts down and 01:0 02:0 CH:__ FL:0 is switch to on (forward). displayed: 30-60 is displayed on CDTs. 85. Lower DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8). 86. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to OFF; DCDU display is blank; 00 is displayed on CDTs. press RESET TEST switch (21) on CDTs (16). 87. Raise DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8) and move All INHIBIT lights illuminate momentarily; switch to on (forward). OFP and MDF numbers are displayed momentarily; JETTISON ONis displayed on DCDU; O1:0 O2:0 CH:_ _ FL:0 is displayed on DCDU; 30-60is displayed on CDTs. 88. Lower DCDU JETTISON switch guard (8). O1:0 O2:0 CH:_ _ FL:0 displayed on DCDU goes out. NOTE DCDU MODE switch must be pressed while it is turned to access BYP (bypass) mode. 89. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to BYP; DCDU displays are blank; 00 is displayed on CDTs. press RESET TEST switch (21) on CDTs (16). TASKRESULT 90. Press and release FLARE DISP switch (22) on pilot’s DCDU displays remain blank; CDTs will count up by XX. or copilot’s cyclic grip (23). 91. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to OFF and then BYP; DCDU displays remain blank; 00 is displayed on CDTs. press RESET TEST switch (21) on CDTs (16). 92. Set DCDU JETTISON switch (8) to on (forward). DCDU expendable displays remain blank; CDTs display 30-60. 93. Set DCDU JETTISON switch (8) to off (aft). 94. Set CDT MODE switch (18) to OFF. 95. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to OFF. 96. Install safety pin (30) in AN/ALE-47 safety switch (31). 97. Set LDG GR SW BYPASS switch (28) on LDG GR BYPASS light (29) on LDG GR SW STATUS panel (28) SW STATUS panel (27) to NORMAL. goes out. 98. Remove electrical power from aircraft. 99. Remove CDTs (16) from dispenser assemblies (15). 100. Repeat AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser System Operational Check on remaining dispenser assemblies, if required. GO TO NEXT PAGE
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