TM 55-1520-240-T
16-198 Change 24
40. Set CDT MODE switch (18) to FIRE TEST and DATA
CDTs display PASS.
switch (19) to NO FIRE.
If either CDT displays unfired pin numbers, check DCDU
for BIT failure messages to determine faulty LRU; refer to
TM 55-1520-240-23-10 for LRU removal and replacement
Record firing sequences as they are displayed
on each CDT to compare them with the MDF pro-
grammed sequences.
41. Set CDT DATA switch (19) to SEQ to check detected
Firing sequence of expendables is displayed.
firing sequences with the MDF sequences.
If detected fire sequence is correct go to step 32.
If detected firing sequence was incorrect, analyze CDT
recorded test data and/or CMDS BIT results to isolate faulty
LRU. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23-10 for LRU removal and
replacement procedures.
42. Set CDT DATA switch (19) to BAD GND.
CDT LCD main display field displays PASS.
If CDT LCD displays Exx, isolate faulty LRU or cable;
repair cable; or replace LRU per TM 55-1520-240-23-10.
43. Set CDT DATA switch (19) to COUNT, press RESET
CDTs display 00.
TEST switch (21).
44. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to OFF, then to MAN.
O1: 20 O2: 20 CH: _ _ FL: 20 is displayed on DCDU.
45. Set DCDU MANUAL switch (6) to 2.
46. Press and release FLARE DISP button (22) on pilots
Expendable count on DCDU counts down by XX;
cyclic stick grip (23).
CDTs count up by XX.
If DCDU does not indicate correct dispense count, isolate
faulty LRU; if CDT does not indicate correct count, go to
Task 16-5.10.
47. Press and release FLARE DISP button (39) on copilots
Expendable count on DCDU counts down by XX;
cyclic stick grip (38).
CDTs count up by XX.
If DCDU does not indicate correct dispense count, isolate
faulty LRU; if CDT does not indicate correct count, go to
Task 16-5.9.
48. Repeat steps 39 through 41 to verify correct expendable
sequence IAW MDF for each operating mode; (MAN 1
through 4) SEMI, AUTO and the aft station dispense
switches (manual mode 6).
49. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to OFF, then MAN; set
O1:20 O2:20 CH:_ _ FL:20 is displayed on DCDU;
DCDU MANUAL switch (6) to 3; press RESET TEST
00 is displayed on CDTs.
switch (21) on CDTs (16).
If DCDU does not display full simulated payload module
quantities, check DCDU for BIT failure messages. If no BIT
failure messages are displayed, verify that CDTs are
installed correctly and powered up.
50. Press and release FLARE DISP button (22) on pilots
Expendable count on DCDU counts down by XX;
cyclic stick grip (23).
CDTs count up by XX.
If DCDU does not indicate correct dispense count, isolate
faulty LRU; if CDT does not indicate correct count, go to
Task 16-5.10.
51. Press and release FLARE DISP button (39) on copilots
Expendable count on DCDU counts down by XX;
cyclic stick grip (38).
CDT LCD flare counts up by XX.
If DCDU does not indicate correct dispense count, isolate
faulty LRU; if CDT does not indicate correct count, go to
Task 16-5.9.
52. Repeat steps 39 through 41 to verify correct expendable
sequence IAW MDF for each operating mode; (MAN 1
through 4) SEMI, AUTO and the aft station dispense
switches (manual mode 6).
53. Set DCDU MODE switch (7) to OFF, then MAN; set
O1:20 O2:20 CH:_ _ FL:20 is displayed on DCDU;
MANUAL switch (6) to 4; press RESET TEST switch
00 is displayed on CDTs.
(21) on CDTs (16).
If DCDU does not display full simulated payload module
quantities, check DCDU for BIT failure messages. If no BIT
failure messages are displayed, verify that CDTs are
installed correctly and powered up.
54. Press and release FLARE DISP button (22) on pilots
Expendable count on DCDU counts down by XX;
cyclic stick grip (23).
CDTs count up by XX.
If DCDU does not indicate correct dispense count, isolate
faulty LRU; if CDT does not indicate correct count, go to
Task 16-5.10.
55. Press and release FLARE DISP button (39) on copilots
Expendable count on DCDU counts down by XX;
cyclic stick grip (38).
CDTs count up by XX.
If DCDU does not indicate correct dispense count, isolate
faulty LRU; if CDT does not indicate correct count, go to
Task 16-5.9.