TM 55-1520-240-T11-2.3 ARTIFICIAL FEEL – MAGNETIC BRAKES OPERATIONAL CHECK11-2.3INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23AllEquipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:NoneBattery ConnectedMaterials:Electrical Power OnNoneHydraulic Power OnPersonnel Required:Artificial Feel - Magnetic Brakes Visual CheckMedium Helicopter RepairerPerformedTASKRESULT1.Check that THRUST BRAKE circuit breaker (1)is closed.2.Check that CONT CENTER circuit breaker (2) isclosed.CHECK ARTIFICIAL FEEL AND PILOT CONTROLOF MAGNETIC BRAKESCHECK CIRCUIT BREAKERSIf circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 11-2.4If circuit breaker (2) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 11- and hold pilot CENTERING DEVICE RE-LEASE switch (3). Center pilot pitch and rollcontrol stick and directional pedals. ReleaseCENTERING DEVICE RELEASE switch.Press and hold pilot CENTERING DEVICE RE-LEASE switch (3). Move pilot control stickthrough longitudinal travel range. Positioncontrol 1 inch forward of center position. Re-lease switch.Move pilot control stick 1inch forward andrelease control stick. Move pilot control stick1 inch aft and release control stick.Control stick and directional pedals shall center eas-ily and remain there after CENTERING DEVICE RE-LEASE switch (3) is released. If both control stickand directional pedals do NOT remain centered, goto task 11-2.6. If either control stick or directionalpedals do not remain centered, continue opera-tional check to identify problem.Control stick shall move easily through longitudinaltravel range and remain at selected position whenswitch (3) is released. If it does not, go to task 11-2.7.Control stick shall return to original position whencontrol stick is released. If it does not, go to task11-2.711-14Change 12GO TO NEXT PAGE
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