TM 55-1520-240-T11-2.3 ARTIFICIAL FEEL - MAGNETIC BRAKES OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)11-2.3TASKRESULTTASKRESULT6. and hold pilot’s CENTERING DE-VICE RELEASE switch (3). Move pilot’scontrol stick through lateral travel range.Position control stick 1inch left of centerposition. Release switch.Move pilot’s control stick 1inchleft and releasecontrol stick. Move pilot’s control stick 1 inchright and release control stick.Press and hold pilot’s CENTERING DE-VICE RELEASE switch (3). Move pilot’spedals through directional range. Positionleft pedal 1 inch forward of center. Re-lease switch.Move pilot’s left pedal 1inch forward andrelease it. Move pilot’s right pedal 1 inchforward and release it.Press and hold pilot’s THRUST CONTBRAKE TRIGGER switch (4). Move pilot’sthrust control full up. Release switch.Control stick shall move easily through lateral travel11. Press and hold pilot’s THRUST CONTThrust control shall move easily and remain downrange and remain at selected position when switchBRAKE TRIGGER switch (4). Move pilot’safter switch (4) is released. If not, go to task 11-2.9.(3) is released. If it does not, go to task 11-2.7.thrust control full down. Release switch.NOTEThrust control down stop is spring loaded.Control stick shall return to original position whenControl will raise up from full down to a pre-control stick is released. If it does not, go to taskdetermined position when released.11-2.7.Pedals shall move easily through directional rangeand remain at selected position when switch (3) isreleased. If they do not, go to task 11-2.8.Pedals shall return to original position when pedalsare released. If they do not, go to task 11-2.8.Thrust control shall move easily to full up and remainthere after switch (4) is released. If not, go to task11-2.9.CHECK COPILOT CONTROL OF MAGNETIC BRAKES12.13.Press and hold copilot’s THRUST CONTThrust control shall move easily and remain at se-BRAKE TRIGGER switch (4). Move co-Iected position after switch (4) is released. If not, gopilot’s thrust control from full down toto task 11-2.10.full up and back to mid position. Releaseswitch.Press and hold copilot’s CENTERING DE-Control stick shall remain at selected position afterVICE RELEASE switch (3). Move copilot’sswitch (3) is released. If it does not, go to task 11-pitch and roll control stick forward. switch.Move control stick to center psoition. PressControl stick shall remain at center positon.and release CENTERING DEVICE RE-LEASE switch.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.Hydraulic power off.Flight controls closet panel closed.Flight controls insulated blanket installed.END OF TASKChange 611-15
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