TM 55-1520-240-T11-3.3 AFCS OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)11-3.3TASKRESULTWARNINGKeep head, hands, and other bodyparts clear of flight controls, espe-cially those in flight controls closet.AFCS BITE automatically causes ac-tuator and controls motion. Severeinjury can occur.17. Set NO. 1 ENGINE CONDITION lever (35) toFLIGHT.18. Press and release NO. 1 AFCS computer BITEComputer digital test counter (42) shall remainswitch (41).blank. BITE switch (41) shall not flash. If counterdoes not remain blank or BITE switch flashes, go totask 11-3.25.19. Set NO. 1 ENDING CONDITION lever (35) toSTOP. Set NO. 2 ENGINE CONDITION lever(36) to FLIGHT. Repeat step 18 then go tostep 20.20. Set NO. 2 ENGINE CONDITION lever (36) toSTOP.21. Press and release BITE switch (41). Computer counter (42) shall step and display from 1through 3 and stop at 3. BITE switch (41) shall lightand flash while display is stepping and then glowsteadily after display indicates 3. If display is blankand BITE switch does not light, go to task 11-3.26. Ifcounter steps to and stops at 3 but BITE switchdoes not light, replace NO. 1 AFCS computer. IfBITE switch lights but display stops at 1 or 2, repeatoperational check task 11-3.3. If same result occurs,replace NO. 1 AFCS computer.22. Press and release BITE switch (41). Computer counter (42) shall step and display from 4through 95 (end of test) and go blank. BITE switchshall flash while display is stepping. If BITE switchlights steadily, and counter stops at an intermediatenumber, record that number. Push BITE switch tocontinue test. Go to table 11-3.1 to determine main-tenance action. At end of test, counter shall goblank and BITE switch light shall go out. If BITEswitch lamp flashes at step 95, the PUSH TO TESTswitch on the Pilots or Copilots radar altimeter indi-cator must be actuated within 20 seconds in orderto avoid a false failure indication.GO TO NEXT PAGE11-52 Change 12
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