TM 55-1520-240-T11-3.3 AFCS OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)11-3.3TASKRESULT2.Check that following circuit breakers inIf any circuit breaker (16 through 24) is open,NO. 2 PDPare closed.close it. If AFCS NO. 2 circuit breaker (16) opensACagain, go to task 11-3.10.AFCS NO. 2 (16)If NAV PILOT VGI, PLT HSI or PLT HSI circuitNAV PILOT VGI (17)breaker (17, 18, or 19) opens again, refer toNAV PLT HSI (19)TM 11-1520-240-20 for troubleshootingDCinformationAFCS NO. 2 (20)If AFCS NO. 2 circuit breaker (20) opens again,CYCLIC TRIM AFT ACTR (21)go to task 11-3.11.NAV CONT VG 1 (22)If CYCLIC TRIM AFT ACTR circuit breaker (21)NAV RAD ALT (23)opens again, go to task 11-3.12. If NAV CONTNAV PLT HSIVGI, RAD ALT, or PLT HSI MODE SEL circuitMODE SEL (24)breaker (22, 23, or 24) opens again, refer toTM 11-1520-240-20 for troubleshootinginformation.CHECK NO. 1 AFCS3.Press and hold pilot's CENTERINGControl stick and directional pedals shall centerDEVICE RELEASE switch (25). Centereasily and remain there after CENTERINGpilot's pitch, roll control stick, and direc-DEVICE RELEASE switch (25) is released. If not,tional pedals. Release CENTER INGgo to task 11-2.3.DEVICE RELEASE switch.GO TO NEXT PAGE11-49
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