TM 55-1520-240-T11-3.2 AFCS VISUAL CHECK (Continued)11-3.2TASKRESULT9. Check NO. 1 AFCS computer (10).If computer (10) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required. If any of four lines (11) areloose or damaged, tighten or replace them as re-quired. If either connector (12) is loose ordamaged, tighten or replace it as required. If wir-ing to either connector (12) is damaged, repair orreplace it as required.10. Check NO. 2 AFCS computer (13).11. Check directional gyro (16).12. Check pilot’s vertical gyro (17).13. Check copilot’s vertical gyro (18).If computer (13) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required. If any of four lines (14) areloose or damaged, tighten or replace them as re-quired. If either connector (15) is loose ordamaged, tighten or replace it as required. If wir-ing to either connector (15) is damaged, repair orreplace it as required.If gyro (16) is damaged, replace it. If connector togyro is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If wiring to connector is damaged, repairor replace it as required.If gyro (17) is damaged, replace it. If connector togyro is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it. ifwiring to connector is damaged, repair or replaceit as required.If gyro (18) is damaged, replace it. If connector togyro is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it. ifwiring to connector is damaged, repair or replaceit as required.GO TO NEXT PAGE11-45
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