TM 55-1520-240-T11-3.2 AFCS VISUAL CHECK (Continued)11-3.2TASKRESULT14. Check yaw linear transducer (cpt) (19).15. Check collective cockpit control driver actua-tor (ccda) (21).16. Check dash actuator (22).17. Check pitch and roil Iinear transducer (25).18.Check longitudinal ccda (27).18.1 Check all electrical connectors in flight con-trol closet.If transducer (19) is damaged, replace it. If eitherconnector (10) is loose or damaged, tighten or re-place it. If wiring to either connector is damaged,replace transducer.If ccda (21) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required. If connector to ccda is loose or dam-aged, tighten or replace it as required. If wiring toconnector is damaged repair or replace it as re-quired.If actuator (22) is damaged, replace it. If connector(23 or 24) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace itas required. If wiring to either connector is dam-aged, repair or replace it as required.If either tranduces (25) is damaged, replace it. Ifany connector (26) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required. If wiring to any connector isdamaged, replace transducer.If ccda (27) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required. If connector to ccda is loose or dam-aged, tighten or replace it as required. If wiring toconnector IS damaged, repair or repiace it as re-quired.If any connector contains hydraulic fluid, clean itthoroughly.GO TO NEXT PAGE11-46Change 12
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