TM 55-1520-240-T12-4.2 WINDSHIELD WIPERS VISUAL CHECK12-4.2INITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:AllTools:Aircraft Mechanic’s Tool Kit,NSN 5180-00-323-4692Work StandMaterials:NonePersonnel Required:67U10 Medium Helicopter RepairerReferences:TM 55-1520-240-23Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic OffTASKRESULT1. Check windshield wiper arms (1) andIf either arm (1) is damaged, replace it. If eitherwiper blades (2).blade (2) is cracked, torn, or loose, replace it.2. Check WINDSHIELD WIPERS switchIf switch (3) is loose or damaged tighten or re-(3).place it as required.3. Lower overhead panel.4. Check windshield wiper motor (4),If windshield wiper motor (4) is loose or damaged,shafts (5), and actuators (6).tighten or replace it as required. If either shaft (5)is damaged, replace it. If either actuator (6) isloose or damaged, tighten or replace it as re-quired.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Secure overhead panelEND OF TASK12-73
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