TM 55-1520-240-T12-4.3 WINDSHIELD WIPERS OPERATIONAL CHECK12-4.3INITIAL SETUPReferences:T M 5 5 - 1 5 2 0 - 2 4 0 - 23FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:T M 5 5 - 1 5 2 0 - 2 4 0 - 2 3:Electrical power off.Battery disconnected.Hose DisconnectedApplicable Configurations:AllTools:Water HoseStop WatchMaterials:NonePersonnel Required:67U10 Medium Helicopter Repairer68F20 Aircraft ElectricianEquipment Condition:T M 5 5 - 1 5 2 0 - 2 4 0 - 23Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OnHydraulic Power OffVisual Check Of Windshleld Wipers Performed(Task 12-4.2)Hose Connected To Water SupplyTASKRESULT1. Check that WSHLD WIPER circuitbreaker (1) IS closed.Do not operate windshield wiperson dry or dirty windshield. Wind-shield can become scratched.2. Spray pilot’s and copilot’s windshields withwater. Continue spraylng water until check iscomplete.3. Set WINDSHIELD WIPERS switch (2)to SLOW.If WSHLD WIPER clrcult breaker (1) is open, closeit. If it opens again, go to task 12-4.4.Both windshield wiper blades (3) shall move backand forth across pilot and copilot windshields ap-proximately 80 times per minute without hittingwindshield framing. If blades don’t move or movetoo slow, go to task 12-4.5. If blades hit framing,adjust wiper arm (4) position.4 Set WINDSHIELD WIPERS switch (2)to MED.5 Set WINDSHIELD WIPERS switch (2)to FAST.Both windshield wiper blades (3) shall movefaster. If not, go to task 12-4.5.Both wiper blades (3) shall move back and forthacross windshields approximately 138 times perminute. If not, go to task 12-4.5. If excessive noisecomes from direction of overhead panel, go to task12-4.6Both wiper blades (3) shall immediately stop. Ifnot, replace WINDSHIELD WIPERS switch (2).6. Set WINDSHIELD WIPERS switch (2)to OFF.7. Set and hold WINDSHIELD WIPERSswitch (2) to PARK.8 Release WINDSHIELD WIPERS switch(2).12-74Each wiper blade (3) shall move to inboard edge ofit’s windshield (park position). If not go to task 12-4.7.WINDSHIELD WIPERS switch (2) shall return toOFF position. If not, replace WINDSHIELDWIPERS switch.END OF TASK
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