TM 55-1520-240-T15-1.4 APU VISUAL CHECK (CONTINUED)15-1.4TASKRESULT1.Check APU fuel valve (1). If fuel valve (1) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required. If electrical connector orwiring to valve is damaged, replace connector orrepair or replace wiring as required.2.Check APU fuel boost pump (2). If fuel boost pump (2) is loose or damaged, tightenor replace it as required. If electrical connector orwiring to pump is damaged, replace connector orrepair or replace wiring as required.3.Check APU combustor drain line (3). If drain line (3) is kinked or damaged, replace it. Ifit is loose, tighten it.4.Check APU spark plug (4), exciter cableIf spark plug (4), exciter cable (5), or ignition(5), and ignition exciter (6).exciter (6) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required.5.Check APU thermocouple cable (7). If cable (7) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required.6.Check two APU fuel lines (8).If any fuel line (8) is damaged, replace it.7.Check APU air inlet screen (9).If screen (9) is clogged, clean it.8.Check APU oil level sight gage (10).If oil level is low, service APU.9.Check APU combustor case (11) andIf either case (11 or 12) is cracked or damaged,turbine case (12).replace APU.10. Check APU fuel line (13).If fuel line (13) is kinked or damaged, replace it.11. Check APU fuel shutoff manual valve (14).If valve (14) is loose or damaged, tighten orplace it as required. If valve handle (15) is not inne with fuel line, set it in that position.12. Check electronic sequence unit (ESU) (16). If ESU (16) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceas required. If electrical connector or wiring toU is damaged, replace connector or repair orplace wiring as required. If bite informationart (17) is damaged, replace it.13. Check APU switch (18). If switch (18) is loose or damaged, tighten orplace it as required.14. On helicopter with 33, check cableIf cable adapter (19) is loose or damaged, tightenadapter (19).or replace it as required.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Left aft intertank bay access door closedAPU drip pan installed.END OF TASKChange 8 15-15
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