TM 55-1520-240-T15-1.5 APU OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)15-1.5TASKRESULTIf BITE indicators do not remain black, go to task 15-2.8.If fuel boost pump cannot be heard operating, go to task15-2.9.CAUTIONIf a roar is heard and a flame is seen atAPU exhaust during APU start, shutdown APU to prevent AP U damage.CAUTIONIf there is no hydraulic pressure in 30secondsafter APU switch is releasedto RUN, shut down APU.CAUTIONIf APU is to be restarted or anotherstart attempt tried, wait at least 30 sec-onds after APU has stopped before set-ting APU switch to START. This allowsresidual fuel to drain from APU, therebypreventing overspeed or overtemp con-dition.7.Set APU switch (8) to START for a minimum ofAPU shall begin to motor and accelerate to running speed2secondsthen release it to RUN.within 30 seconds. ESU (7) BITE indicators shall se-NOTEquence from all black to all white, then all black. APU ONcapsule (9) shall come on. UTIL HYD SYS capsule (10)Observe ESU bite indicators sequencingshall go out. If roar is heard and flame is seen at APUduring start. Note last two sequences whenexhaust (hot start), shut down APU to prevent damageautomatic shutdown occurs. Do not moveand go to task 15-6.17.APU switch until bite indications are recordedunless hot start occurs. If APU does not motor, go to task 15-2.10.If APU motors but does not start or starts and automati-cally shuts down, check ESU bite indicators and refer totable 15-2.2 for maintenance action.If APU runs and ESU bite is black but APU ON capsule isnot on, go to task 15-2.13.If APU runs and UTIL HYD SYS capsule (10) does not goout, shut down APU and go to task 7-2.4.TASKRESULT8.Set APU GEN switch (11) to ON. NO. 1 RECT OFF and NO. 2 RECT OFF (Without 74)and RECT 2 (With 74)capsules (12 and 13) shall go out.APU ON capsule (9) shall stay on. If capsules do not goout, go to task 9-1.4. If APU capsule goes out, check ESUbite indicators and refer to table 15-2.2 and/or task15-2.14.9.Set POWER XFR NO. 1 and POWER XFR NO. 2NO. 1 HYD FLT CONTR and NO. 2 HYD FLT CONTRswitches (5 and 6) to ON.(Without 74) or RECT 1 and RECT 2 (With 74) cap-sules (14 and 15) shall go out. If not, go to task 7-2.15.APU ON capsule (9) shall stay on. If it goes out, checkESU bite indicators and refer to table 15-2.2.10. Open then close APU CONT NORM circuit breakerAPU ON capsule (9) shall stay on. If it goes out, go to task(3). 15-2.11.11. Open then close APU CONT EMERG circuit breaker (4).APU ON capsule (9) shall stay on. If it goes out, go to task15-2.11.12. Set POWER XFR NO. 1 and POWER XFR NO. 2NO. 1 HYD FLT CONTR and NO. 2 FLT CONTR (Withoutswitches (5 and 6) to OFF.74) or RECT 1 and RECT 2 (With 74) capsules (14 and15) shall come on.13. Set APU GEN switch (11) to OFF.NO. 1 RECT OFF and NO. 2 RECT OFF (Without 74) orRECT 1 and RECT 2 (With 74) capsules (12 and 13)shall come on. APU shall remain running. If APU shutsdown, go to task 15-2.15.14. Set APU switch (8) to OFF. APU shall shut down. APU ON capsule (9) shall go out. IfAPU does not shut down, go to task 15-2.12.CAUTIONCycling of the APU switch during APUcoastdown may cause the APU to re-start with a possible overtemperature.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.END OF TASKChange 23 15-17/(15-18 blank)
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