16-1.3 EXTERNAL CARGO HOOK SYSTEM VISUAL CHECK(Continued)TM 55-1520-240-T16-1.3TASKRESULT4. Lift emergency cargo hook release lever (14)If Iever (14) or any part of mechanism (15) is loose5.6.7.8.from stowed position. Check lever mecha-nism (15).Check hoist operator’s grip (16) and ca-ble assembly (17).Check CARGO HOOK switch (18).Check dual hook relay box (19).Check emergency hook release relay box(21}.or damaged, tighten or replace it as requiredIf grip (16) IS damaged, replace it. If cableassembly (17) is damaged, replace it.If switch (18) is loose or damaged, tighten or re-place it as required.If box (19) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required. If wiring or connectors to box aredamaged, repair or replace them as required. Ifany light (20) is damaged, replace box.If box (21) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required. If wiring or connectors to box aredamaged, repair or replace them as required,GO TO NEXT PAGEChange 916-7
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