16-3.3TM 55-1520-240-T16-3.3INITIAL SETUPReferencesApplicable Configurations”TM 55-1520-240-23Helicopters with Engine AirParticle Separator ProvisionsTookEquipment Condition:NoneTM 55-1520-240-23:MaterialsBattery DisconnectedNoneElectrical Power OffPersonnel Required:Hydraulic Power OffMedium Helicopter RepairerTASKRESULT1.Check NO. 1 PDP extension box (l).No. 1 PDP extension box (1) should be tightly securedand in good condition. If extension box (1) is loose ordamaged, repair or replace it as required.2. Check NO. 2 PDP extension box (2).No. 2 PDP extension box (2) should be tightly securedand in good condition. If extension box (2) is loose ordamaged, repair or replace it as required.3. Check EAPS control panel (3).EAPS control panel (3) and 4 switches should be ingood condition If control panel (3) or switches aredamaged, repair or replace them as required.4. Check NO. 1 EAPS control box (4).No. 1 EAPS control box (4) should be tightly securedand in good condition. If control box (4) is loose ordamaged, repair or replace it as required.5. Check NO. 2 EAPS control box (5).No. 2 EAPS control box (5) should be tightly securedand in good condition. If control box. (5) is loose ordamaged, repair or replace it as required.6. Check receptacle 151J1 (6).Receptacle (6) should be tightly secured to aircraftskin and in good condition. All receptacle pins shouldbe in good condition and properly seated, If recepta-cle or pins are damaged, repair or replace them asrequired.7.Check receptacle 151J2 (7).Receptacle (7) should be tightly secured to aircraftskin and in good condition. All receptacle pins shouldbe in good condition and properly seated. If recepta-cle or pins are damaged, repair or replace them asrequired.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:None16-114
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