TM 55-1520-240-T5-3.4 ENGINE AIR PARTICLE SEPARATORPROVISIONS OPERATION CHECK16-3.4INITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:Helicopters with Engine AirParticle Separator ProvisionsTools:Electrical Repairer’s Tool Kit,NSN 5180-00-323-4915MultimeterMaterials:NonePersonnel Required:Aircraft Electrician (2)References:TM 55-1520-240-23Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OnHydraulic Power OffVisual Check of Engine Air Particle SeparatorProvisions PerformedTASKRESULTCHECK CIRCUIT BREAKERS1. NO. 1 PDP extension box, close the followingcircuit breakers:EAPS 1 FAN (1)EAPS 1 FAN CONT (2)EAPS 1 BYPASS DOORS (3)On NO. 2 PDP extension box, close the followingcircuit breakers:EAPS 2 FAN (4)EAPS 2 FAN CONT (5)EAPS 2 BYPASS DOORS (6)On NO. 1 Engine EAPS control box (7), press totest EAPS BYPASS DOORS OPEN light (8).On NO. 2 Engine EAPS control box (9), press totest EAPS BYPASS DOORS OPEN light (10).ON EAPS control panel (11) set EAPS ENG 1 FANswitch (12) to ON. At receptacle 151J1 (13) checkfor 115VAC between pin A and ground, pin B andground, and pin P and ground.On EAPS control panel (11) set EAPS ENG 1DOORS switch (14) to OPEN. At receptacle 151J1(13) check for 28VDC between pin U and ground.Check for ground on pin a.On EAPS control panel (11) set EAPS ENG 1DOORS switch (14) to CLOSE. At receptacle 151J1(13) check for 28VDC between pin aand ground.Check for ground on pin U.16-116If any circuit breaker opens, close it.If EAPS 1 FAN circuit breaker (1) opens again, go totask 4-5.If EAPS 1 FAN CONT circuit breaker (2) opens again,go to task 4-5.If EAPS 1 BYPASS DOORS circuit breaker (3) opensagain, go to task 4-5.If any circuit breaker opens, close it.If EAPS 2 FAN circuit breaker (4) opens again, go totask 4-6. If EAPS 2 FAN CONT circuit breaker (5)opens again, go to task 4-6. If EAPS 2 BYPASSDOORS circuit breaker (6) opens again, go to task4-6.EAPS BYPASS DOORS OPEN light (8) shall come onmomentarily. If it does not, replace bulb. Press to testlight again. If light still does not come on, go to task4-7.EAPS BYPASS DOORS OPEN light (1 O) shall comeon. If it does not, replace bulb. Press to test lightagain. If light still does not come on, go to task 16-3.7.115VAC should be present on pins A, B and P. If115VAC is not present on any pin, go to task 16-3.8.If 28VDC is not present on pin U, go to task 16-3.9.If ground is not present on pin a, go to task 16-3.10.If 28VDC is not present on pin a,go to task 16-3.11.if ground is not present on pin U, go to task 16-3.12.TASKRESULT8.9.10, for ground on receptacle 151J1 pins G, Dand V.At receptacle 151J1 (13) place a jumper wire be-tween pins F & G. On NO. 1 PDP, close CAUTIONPNL LIGHTING circuit breaker (15).On EAPS control panel (11), set EAPS ENG 2 FANswitch (17) to ON At receptacle 151J2 (18), checkfor 115VAC between pin A and ground, pin B andground, and pin P and ground.ON EAPS control panel (14) set EAPS ENG 2DOORS switch (19) to OPEN. At receptacle 151J2(18) check for 28VDC between pin U and ground.Check for ground on pin a.On EAPS control panel (14) set EAPS ENG 2DOORS switch (19) to CLOSE. At receptacle 151J2(18) check for 28 VDC between pin a and ground.Check for ground on pin U.Check for ground on receptacle 151J2 pins G, Dand V.At receptacle 151 J2 (18), place a jumper wire be-tween pins F & G.Remove jumper wires from receptacles 151J1 and151J2.If ground is not present, repsir or replace wire be-tween receptacle and ground stud.On Master Caution Panel, EAPS 1 FAIL capsule (16)shall come on. If it does not, go to task 16-3.13.115VAC shall be present on pins A, B and P. If115VAC is not present on any pin, go to tashIf 28VDC is not present on pin U, go to taskIf ground is not present on pin a, go to task16-3.14.16-3.15.16-3.16.If 28VDC is not present on pin a, go to task 16-3.17If ground is not present on pin U, go to task 16-3.18.If ground is not present, repair or replace wire be-tween receptacle and ground stud,On master caution panel, EAPS 2 FAIL capsule (20)shall come on. If it does not, go to task 16-3.19.FOLLOW ON MAINTENANCE:Turn Off Electrical PowerDisconnect Battery
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