TM 55-1560-307-13&PAPPENDIX FTORQUE LIMITSF-1.GENERAL.Standard torque values are notcalled out for individual maintenance procedures in thismanual. Use the standard torque of Tables F-1 and F-2.F-2.TORQUE DEFINITIONS.a.Breakaway Torque. Breakaway torque(Table F-1) is defined as minimum torque required tostart the movement of a nut on or off a bolt with no axialload on the nut and with the bolt completely through thenut.b.Friction Torque. (Tare, Drag, Run on). Thetorque required to overcome the internal friction betweena self-locking nut and bolt as the nut is being turned onthe bolt, but before the nut contacts the washer (no axialload).c.Final torque is the sum of the friction torqueplus the applicable torque values from Table F-2 orfriction torque plus torque from the applicablemaintenance manual.d.Break-loose torque is defined as the effort tobreak loose an axially loaded nut.F-1
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