TM 55-1560-307-13&PGLOSSARYAPUAuxiliary power unit. A small turbine powered combination electrical generatorand hydraulic pump permanently installed in the aircraft.BONNEY WRENCHA thin head open end wrench with only one opening and short tapered handle.Normally used on hose and tube fittings.CAM LEVERA manually operated lever located on top of extended range fuel system (ERFS)fuel tank, linked mechanically to operate fuel dump valve located at bottom oftank.CAMLOCKA type of quick release latch or fastener.COUPLING VALVESSpring loaded discs built into hose couplings which close automatically whencouplings are separated, thus preventing fuel spillage. Fuel is field captive inthe lines.CRASHWORTHYThe design of an aircraft's fuel system to sustain crash damage with fuelleakage.CUT LINEA line or mark on hose fittings used as a guide in establishing length bulk hose.ECPElectrical control panel.ELECTRO OPTICALA design principle used by the ERFS low fuel pressure sensing system.Absence of fuel in pump lines causes a change in light pattern detected byoptical sensor which is translated into an electrical output.ERFSExtended range fuel system.EXTRUSIONA metal strip or bar formed with a consistent cross section during manufacturing.FAREForward air refueling equipment.FLASH POINTLowest temperature at which liquid will give off sufficient vapor to ignite uponapplication of flame or spark.FMCPFuel management control panel.HICHSHelicopter internal cargo handling system.KINKAn undesirable crimp, twist, or sharp bend in a hose causing restriction of fluid orgas flow.LOCKNUTThe internally threaded end fitting of a hose or piece of rigid tubing.GLOS-1
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