TM 55-1680-358-12&PSECTION V. REMOVAL AND STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS3-28. Removal. Remove the Helicopter Internal CargoHandling System from the CH47 Helicopter in reverseorder of the installation procedures in Chapter 2. Theeight 10k fitting assemblies (22, Figure 3-2) and rampskid pad (20) should be left in place. All removedequipment should be properly tagged and stored toensure proper installation when desired.3-29. Storage. The Helicopter Internal Cargo HandlingSystem must be protected against deterioration at alltimes. Direct contact with rain, sand, dust, etc., must beavoided. TEMPORARY storage may be outdoors only ifsuitable covering is provided to prevent fouling ofclosely fitted parts. If exposure has taken place, thesystem must be cleaned, inspected, and checkedthoroughly before installation into an aircraft.EXTENDED storage must be indoors, with completecheckout before each use3-30. Cleaning. Refer to Chapter 3, Section II, forinstructions on cleaning the Helicopter Internal CargoHandling System.3-31. Painting. Paint the Helicopter Internal CargoHandling System in accordance with the followinginstructions:WARNINGAll spray painting will beaccomplished in an exhaustventilation booth meetingrequirements of OSHA 1910.107.Respiratory protective devices willbe used when required by localSafety Office and MedicalServices Bio-environmentalEngineer.a.When paint wears or chips off aluminum, theexposed surfaces will be recoated and repainted toprevent corrosion.b.Apply two coats of MX-P-23377 epoxy primer inaccordance with MILC-22751.c.Then apply one coat of semigloss syntheticenamel in accordance with MILSTD808.3-32. PreservationTo preserve the Helicopter InternalCargo Handling System, refer to paragraphs 3-28, 3-29and 3-30.3-84
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