TM 55-1680-358-12&PAPPENDIX AREFERENCESThe following forms, technical manuals, specifications, etc., are referred to in this manual:DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank FormsFSCM Cataloging Handbook H4-1 and H4-2MIL-L46147, Lubricant, Solid Film, Air-CuredMILSTD-12, Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Specifications, Standards and TechnicalDocumentsMIL-STD-808, Finish, Materials and Processes for Corrsion Prevention and Control in SupportEquipmentOSHA 1910.107, Spray Finishing Using Flammab le and Combustible MaterialsP-D-680, Dry Cleaning SolventSF 368, Quality Deficiency ReportTM-55-450-15, Air Movement of Troops and Equipment (Nontactical) HQ DA June 1971TM-55-450-18, Helicopter Internal and External Loads, CH47 Helicopter, HQ DA August 1970TM-750-244-1-5, Procedures for Destruction of Aircraft and Associated Equipment to Prevent EnemyUseDA PAM 738-751, User's Manual for the Army Maintenance Management System - Aviation(TAMMS-A)MIL-P-23377, Primer Coating, Epoxy Polyamide, Chemical and Solvent ResistantMIL-C-22751, Coating System, Epoxy-Polyamide, Chemical and Solvent Resistant, Process for Applica-tion ofFM 21-11, First Aid for SoldiersA-1/(A-2 Blank)
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