TM 55-1680-358-12&PSECTION IVOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS2-11. Cargo Handling. The Helicopter Internal CargoHandling System can be used for a variety of cargo.a. Cargo Range. Cargo that can be handled by theHelicopter Internal Cargo Handling System is listed inTable 2-4. A mixture of pallets, personnel and/orvehicles may be combined. However, all cargo must beproperly restrained to ensure safe operation of thehelicopter and the safety of personnel. Loads must berestrained in accordance with procedures and guidelinesset out in TM55-450-15, Air Movement of Troops andEquipment (Nontactical) HQ DA June 1971 and TM55-450-18, Internal and External Loads, CH47 Helicopter,HQ DA August 1970.b. Load. Total load must always be within thenormal weight and center-of-gravity limits as specified inthe operational technical orders.2-12. System Configurations. The Helicopter InternalCargo Handling System can be placed in any one offour configurations. These are loading, restraint, flightand unloading. Refer to Tables 2-5, 2-6 and 2-7 for theconfigurations applicable to 463L Pallets, WarehousePallets and Wheeled Vehicles. To accomplish theconfigurations described above and in the referencedtables, several components must be set in apredetermined position. These components are listedbelow in conjunction with the illustration that defines thecomponent location and/or position.(1) Outboard Rail/Roller Assemblies, Stations158.500 to 274.000, 272.531 to 374.000, and373.469 to 487.000 - Figure 2-23.(2) Inboard Center Rail Guide - Figure 2-24.(3) Ramp Support Assembly - Figure 2-25.(4) Pallet Lock Assembly - Figure 2-26.(5) Retractable Flange Assembly - Figure 2-26.(6) 10k Fitting Assembly - Figure 2-27.(7) 5k Tiedown Fitting Assembly - Figure 2-28.Table 2-4. Applicable CargoType of CargoQuantityHCU-6/E (88 x 108 inches)3HCU-12/E or HCU-10/C (54 x 88 inches)6Warehouse wooden pallets (40 x 48 inches)8-10***Wheeled vehicles*Miscellaneous (TOW, Hellfire, etc.) equipment*(pallet or skid mounted)Personnel*** Quantity dependent on size and helicopter capacity.** System does not provide for personnel transport but it iscompatible with personnel.*** Quantity dependent on pallet weight.NOTEA suitable mix of the above cargo can be handled as required.2-35
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