TM 55-1680-358-12&PCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSECTION I. GENERAL1-1. Scope. This manual provides descriptiveinformation; service/maintenance instructions; operation,installation and removal instructions; and illustrated partsbreakdown for the Helicopter Internal Cargo HandlingSystem (HICHS). This system was manufactured by AARBrooks & Perkins Corporation, Advanced StructuresDivision (81868).1-2. Purpose. The Helicopter Internal Cargo HandlingSystem, Part No. 18049 J 100, is shown in Figure 1-1. Itis designed for use in the CH47 Helicopter as a means ofloading and unloading various configuration cargo. Thetypes of cargo are shown in Table 1-1.1-3. Maintenance Forms and Records. Department ofthe Army forms and procedures used for equipmentmaintenance shall be those prescribed in DA PAM 738-751.1-4. Reporting Equipment ImprovementRecommendations (EIR). EIRs will be prepared usingSF 368, Quality Deficiency Report. Instructions forpreparing EIRs are provided in DA PAM 738-751. User'smanual for The Army Maintenance Management System-Aviation (TAMMS-A). EIRs should be mailed directly to:Commander, US Army Aviation Systems Command,ATTN: AMSAV-MPSD, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis,MO 63120-1798. A reply will be furnished directly to you.1-5. Destruction of Army Material To Prevent EnemyUse. For destruction of Army material to prevent enemyuse, refer to TM 750-244-1-5.1-1/(1-2 Blank)
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