TM 55-6930-212-10
j. This completes ATIS recording. Line 25 number selected (1, 2, 3, or 4) is available for use.
8-78. To check ATIS recording, proceed as follows:
a. Edit CAIRNS WX line 25 to 1, 2, 3, or 4.
b. On pilot and/or copilot ICS boxes, position AUX switch(s) to ON.
c. Depress FREEZE switchlight. Recorded ATIS message plays back over pilot and copilot headsets. Message
repeats itself as long as anyone is listening.
d. Edit CAIRNS WX line 25 to 0. Line 25 assumes edited value. ATIS message ceases.
8-80. Depressing the RECORD switchlight on the SIMULATOR CONTROL panel records all instructor/trainee
communications for up to 20 minutes of continuous communications. When playback is desired, depress PLAYBACK
switchlight. To stop recording, depress STOP switchlight on the SIMULATOR CONTROL panel.
8-82. A 60-minute leadship flight can also be recreated. When played back, the leadship is correctly displayed on the
ownship's visual display. A leadship flight is generated by recording a flight of the ownship while in the special leadship
record mode.
8-84. To record a leadship flight, proceed as follows:
a. Initialize simulator to IC number that will be ownship starting point during leadship training.
(1) Select IC number on thumbwheel.
(2) Depress thumbwheel INSERT switchlight. FREEZE lamps blink while simulator is initializing and stop
blinking when initialization is complete.
b. Depress FREEZE switchlight. Fly/taxi aircraft to a point in front of IC point. This is the point at which the leadship
will start (appear on the visual) during normal training. This should be a point visible out the front window of the
ownship when the ownship is initialized to the IC point used in a.(l) above.
c. Depress FREEZE switchlight when desired leadship starting point is achieved.
d. Select 80 on thumbwheel.