TM 55-6930-212-10
A summary of basic training procedures, exclusive of training exercise requirements, is given
in paragraph 2-50. This chapter defines the detailed training functions.
8-105. Before the first scheduled training period of the day, turn on the simulator and have maintenance personnel
complete readiness checks.
8-106. Aircraft controls and switches should be checked when the cockpit is entered.
8-107. After these checks, training can proceed by securing doors, fastening seat belts, initializing motion, and
unfreezing the simulator. When the simulator has been turned on (cold start) and the computer first loaded, IC set 011
contains the same initial conditions as IC set 010. This reflects a CH-47D parked on a pad, with normal training gross
weight and center of gravity, engines off, APU off, fuel full, calm standard day weather, and training system in freeze
condition. Depending on which initial conditions page is selected, lighting values (items 25, 26, 27, 29, and 31) are set at
values ranging from 0 (off) to 5 (maximum brightness). Other values on the initial conditions pages are based on
standard aeronautical terminology with self-explanatory terminology. (See figure 8-15 for a typical initial conditions
8-108. If any other IC set is inserted, the engines are running and the rotor is set at 100% (provided the engine condition
levers (ECL) and switches are in the proper positions).
8-109. DATA CLEAR.
8-110. Actuation of the DATA CLEAR switchlight at any time deletes all accumulated ground track and malfunctions,
selects cross-country map, and initializes the simulator at IC set 002. Actuation of the MASTER MALF CLEAR
switchlight deletes any existing malfunctions previously inserted, except circuit breaker malfunctions. These circuit
breakers must be reset. The external loads are repositioned back to their original positions, if moved.
8-112. Initialization requires using IOS controls. The IC/MAP/LOAD/LDSHIP/DEMO/ MALF selector and
INSERT/DELETE switchlights at the IOS and auxiliary control panels have identical capabilities. After all the occupants
are seated with seat belts secured, motion can be turned on using the MOTION ON switchlight on the IOS or auxiliary
control panel. The ramp then retracts and the platform rises to its erect position. The startup/shutdown checks listed in
table 8-13 must be performed.