TM 55-6930-212-10
Section II. SAFETY
9-14. The simulator is designed to operate safely during all phases of training.
Before the motion system is activated. all occupants of the simulator must fasten their seat
9-15. Each motion system uses numerous devices to ensure safe operation for personnel. These include controlled
deceleration devices, cushion stops. limit-sensing, leveling, and locking devices, thermal cutout for hydraulic fluid,
emergency stop switches, and red warning lights in personnel areas.
9-16. The entrance doors have safety interlocks that prevent motion activation until the door is secure. Ensure that the
bar is securely closed as there is no interlock indicator on the IOS.
9-17. The motion equipment is located within a gated area with gate interlocks that prevent motion activation unless the
gates are closed.
9-18. The boarding ramps are equipped with sensing switches that prevent boarding ramp motion when there is
additional weight (personnel) on them. The motion system is not activated until the boarding ramp is raised completely.
9-19. Normal activation and deactivation of the motion system are accomplished at the IOS. Motion is controlled
separately and is not mode-dependent.
9-19A. The copilot CONTROL LOADING safety switch is located on the left rear of the auxiliary control panel (beside
the mushroom freeze switch). This red guarded switch is used to interrupt the motion interlock at the motion cabinet and
to deactivate the control loading system.
9-19B. In the event that the freeze button does not halt the trainer. lift the red cover and flip the toggle switch up. The
motion platform will settle and the ramp will come down. Although all flight controls will be locked, the simulator will
continue to operate. Notify maintenance personnel that the problem exists and that the control loading switch is in the
OFF position.
9-20. Fail-safe circuitry prevents erratic movement of the motion system during an equipment malfunction.
9-21. Temperature sensors are located in each equipment cabinet. If the temperature reaches 100"F, or if adequate
airflow is not maintained, visual and aural warnings in the computer room are activated. At 110°F, the entire complex
shuts down automatically.
9-22. Actuation of any EMERGENCY STOP switch results in the immediate shutdown of the entire complex, motion
system, and visual system. After an EMERGENCY STOP switch has been actuated and power shuts down, the main
and linkage circuit breakers must be reset manually before power can be reapplied.