TM 55-6930-212-10introduced by the instructor produce the appropriate motion effects of yaw and roll, climb or descent, and variations inairspeed. Superimposed upon the background motion, the motion system provides characteristic periodic oscillations ofthe aircraft, lateral instability, and aircraft vibrations up to 5 cycles per second. In addition, continuous higher-frequencyvibrations are simulated using a seat shaker in lieu of the motion system. Effects of sling load oscillations are alsosimulated through the motion system.2-25. ABNORMAL FLIGHT.2-26. The motion system reproduces the effects of rotor out-of-track and rotor out-of-balance failures. The motionsimulated includes the effect of momentary incorrect control inputs. Hydraulic failure resulting in abnormal controlconfigurations results in appropriate motion cues. High-speed characteristics and trim changes also cause appropriateeffects in the motion system.2-27. VISUALSYSTEM.2-28. The pilot/copilot stations have forward, left, and right side windows, and chin window visual displays. The visualgeneration system provides imagery to every sensor display in the simulator, including the out-the-window (OTW) scene.2-29. DIGITALIMAGEGENERATOR.2-30. The digital image generator (DIG) system is a full-color visual display that provides imagery for day, dusk, andnight scenes. The DIG is used for the six out the-window displays (two front, two side, and two chin window). It alsoprovides imagery that represents night vision goggles (NVG) displays and simulates the action of a searchlight on thevisual displays.2-31. The two chin window displays are high-resolution, full-color visual displays. One display serves as the pilot's chinwindow, and the other serves as the copilot's chin window. Video signals are sent to each chin window display monitorfrom the DIG via distribution amplifiers in the visual interface cabinet.2-32. The fields-of-view (FOV) for the windows are as follows:WindowPilotCopilotFrontUp13.3 (0.5)Up13.3 (0.5)andDown22.7 (0.5)Down22.7 (0.5)sideRight24 (0.5)Right24 (0.5)Left24 (0.5)Left24 (0.5)ChinHorizontal22 (-0.5, +3)Horizontal22 (-0.5.+3)Vertical30 (-0.5, +3)Vertical30 (-0.5, +3)Centered40 (0.5) down, 27.5 (+0.5) left and right (both)2-33. COMPUTERSYSTEM.2-34. The simulator consists of the main computational system (MCS), which is made up of central processing units(CPU's 1, 2, and 3) and their associated auxiliary processing units (APU's). Each CPU has memory that can beaccessed only by it and its associated APU's.2-6
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