TM 55-6930-212-10Section II. INSTRUCTOR OPERATOR STATION DESCRIPTION2-35. GENERALDESCRIPTION.2-36. The instructor operator station (IOS) accommodates one instructor and an observer. Figure 2-1 shows thearrangement of the IOS and its relationship to the trainee station. This arrangement permits close, direct contactbetween the instructor operator and the trainees. The locations of the forward control panel and the console controlpanel provide convenient control of the cockpit and direct contact with the cathode ray tube (CRT) informational displaysthat are required to monitor, guide, and evaluate trainee performance. Various features of the instructor areas aredescribed in the following paragraphs.2-37. IOSCONTROLPANELS.2-38. The instructor station is in the cockpit behind the pilot and copilot seats. This over-the-shoulder location reducesthe requirement for a remote visual repeater for the instructor. Two 19-inch displays at the instructor station and twocontrol panels are available to the instructor. Units of the instructor station are:Aft instructor CRTForward instructor CRTInstructor left panelInstructor right panelInterphone control panel (in cabinet under forward CRT)Digital clock2-39. Flight and mission parameters are displayed on the aft CRT. The instructor can make changes to parametersduring flight and can introduce malfunctions using the control panels.2-40. IOSAREALIGHTING.2-41. The IOS control panel has two variable-intensity overhead lights. These lights provide ambient illumination duringany phase of the training and can be detached for greater flexibility. A blue-green flip filter is provided for NVGoperation.2-42. INSTRUCTORINTERCOMMUNICATIONSSYSTEM.2-43. Headset cords and microphone switches for the instructor are installed in such a way that they do not interfere withtraining. Private communication is provided for the instructor, observers, and the computer room. A visual alert cue isprovided for the instructor, and an aural alert cue is provided in the computer room.2-7
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