TM 1-1500-250-231--2Change 4Section II. DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION1-5.Necessity of TM.This General TM became necessary be-cause of the apparent ineffectiveness of past tie-down and mooring procedures. In the spring of 1989Army aircraft at Ft. Hood and Ft. Polk experiencedextensive and costly damage as a result of very highwinds. In each instance, severe storm warnings hadbeen issued and current procedures were followedwithin available time and capabilities. Despite thesemeasures serious damage to aircraft and losses tothe Army in combat readiness and resources oc-curred.1-6.Army Policy.The following Department ofthe Army policy has been established: when noti-fied of the potential for severe windstorms in excessof 50 knots all Army aviation units will take the ac-tions prescribed in this General TM.a.If unable to evacuate to a safe haven, air-craft will be placed in hangars in the following prior-ity; OH-58D/C/A, AH-64A, UH-60A, AH-1 all series,UH-IV/H, and CH-47D/C. The priority for special op-erations aircraft is: MH/AH-6, MH-60, MH-47, andOH-6. For helicopter with more than two main rotorblades, if feasible, the blades will be removed orfolded to maximize available hangar space.b.All aircraft remaining outside will be tied-down and moored in accordance with appropriateprocedures described in this General TM. Whenfeasible, units will face the aircraft into the fore-casted wind before mooring.c.Aviation units will also take additionalprotection measures to include use of all availableshelters and/or artificial barriers such as revet-ments, berms, igloos, trucks, buses, tanks, ar-mored carriers, etc.d.Army aircraft located in areas that expe-rience severe windstorms will tie down blades aftereach flight and moor aircraft after the last flight ofthe day regardless of the weather forecast. If air-craft are not to be flown they shall be left tied downand moored.e.Every installation with Army aviationunits will have secure mooring points for all as-signed aircraft. Where points are not sufficient,installation engineers will take immediate action toinstall required mooring points.f.All units with assigned aircraft will en-sure tie-down/mooring hardware, particular to eachaircraft, is in good repair.g.The horizontal stabilator of the UH-60and AH-64 aircraft are to be set in the neutral posi-tion (zero degrees).NOTEIf unable to conform to the configurationsshown, contact AMCOM Engineering(DSN 897-4905) or comm. 256-313-4905 for guidance.
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