TM 1--1500--250--23Change 41--1CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSection I. GENERAL1-1.ScopeThis manual supplements, clarifies, standardizesthe tie-down and mooring procedures in the -23Technical Manuals for all series AH-64, UH-60,CH-47, UH-1, AH-1, and OH-58 helicopters to themaximum extent practical.1-2.Maintenance Forms and RecordsThe maintenance forms and records which are re-quired by personnel who perform the maintenancefunctions prescribed in this manual are listed in DAPAM 738-751.1-3.Reporting Errors and Recommending Im-provements.You can help improve this manual. If you find anymistakes or if you know of a way to improve the pro-cedures please let us know. Mail your letter, DAForm 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publica-tions and Blank Forms, or 2028-2 located in theback of this manual directly to: Commander, USArmy Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AM-SAM-MMC-LC-LP,RedstoneArsenal,AL35898-5230. A reply will be furnished to you.1-4.Conflicts Between TMs.When a conflict exists between this General TMand the aircraft specific -23 TMs, the Tie-Down andMooring procedures described in this General TMshall be followed. The following TMs will be affectedby this General TM:OH-58DTM 55-1520-248-23OH-58A/CTM 55-1520-228-23AH-64TM 55-1520-238-23UH-60TM 55-1520-237-23AH-1TM 55-1520-236-23AH-1TM 55-1520-234-23UH-1TM 55-1520-210-23CH-47TM 55-1520-240-23
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