TM 1-1500-250-23CHAPTER 2HARDWARE AND AIRCRAFT REQUIREMENTS2-1.Grid Pattern Layout and Mooring PointStrength. The grid pattern layout illustrating the 17 to20 foot on center mooring points is depicted in figure2-1.a. This pattern readily accommodates all the heli-copters in the army fleet and should be used as the stan-dard for new mooring installations.b. The strength of each mooring point should becapable of reacting to the design loads depicted in fig-ure 2-2.2-2.Mooring Pad Marking. Marking the moor-ing pad to properly position the aircraft is recom-mended if the pad is to be used exclusively for one typeof aircraft.2-3.General Tools and Equipment.a. All aircraft will use polyester rope for rotorblade tie-down. Refer to table 2-1.(1) Tie-down OH-58D as specified in the ap-propriate aircraft Technical Manual.(2) Tie-down OH-58A/C as specified in theappropriate Technical Manual, except that two main ro-tor blade tie-down boots are required.(3) Tie-down AH-64 as specified in the ap-propriate Technical Manual. Ensure that the ropes arestrong enough to allow the main rotor blades to be se-cured at the required locations.(4) Tie-down UH-60 as specified in the ap-propriate Technical Manual.(5) Tie-down AH-1 as specifiated in the ap-propriate Technical Manual.(6) Tie-down UH-1 as specifiated in the ap-propriate Technical Manual, except that a forwardmain rotor blade tie-down strap is required.(7) he-down CH-47 as specifed in the ap-propriate Technical Manual.b. Tie-down and Mooring Equipment. Refer totable 2-1.(1) Acquisition and maintenance of all re-quired tie-down and mooring equipment is the re-sponsibility of the aviation units.(2) The identified chain and chain adjustershall be used as the primary mooring equipment forall helicopters when parked at their home installationand army policy (per paragraph 1 –6) requires moor-ing. Exceptions to the use of mooring chains is onlyapproved under special circumstances where chain hasproven to be undesirable such as the crossover mooringon the CH-47D.(3) Mooring chains and chain adjusters arenot considered flyaway equipment. The 10,000pound capacity polyester mooring strap with ratchetbuckle, NSN 5340-01-233-3063, is the identified fly-away which may be used when aircraft deployed awayfrom their home station require mooring and chains arenot available. The CGU-lB, 5000 pound capacity ny-lon tie-down strap, NSN 1670-00-725-1437, is onlyauthorized when hard stand mooring pointsavailable and the field mooring kit is used.are notChange 3 2-1
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