TM 1-1500-250-23
Change 4
Connect two chain assemblies from the
front mooring pad points to the forward aircraft
mooring rings located under the aircraft wings.
Remove the fairing covering from the aft
jack-point. Four flush head bolts must be removed.
With the fairing removed install the jack-point in the
uncovered recess and install the aft mooring clevis
on the jack-point as described in the specific aircraft
-23 Technical Manual.
Connect two chain assemblies to the aft
mooring rings located under the wings to the center
mooring pad points.
Connect two chain assemblies from the
aft aircraft mooring ring (previously installed) to the
center mooring pad points.
Tighten the MB-1 chain adjusters to re-
move the slack from all mooring chains. No tools are
It is highly recommended that AH-1 heli-
copters be flown with the mooring hard-
ware installed at all times to permit a rap-
id response to weather emergencies,
unless it is the commanders decision that
to fly without the fairings would signifi-
cantly impact the mission.
UH-1 Helicopter Mooring Procedures.
Position the aircraft on the mooring pad
with the longitudinal centerline of the aircraft directly
above and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pad
as shown in figure 4-10. The forward jack-points, lo-
cated at F.S. 61.96, should be located approximate-
ly 2 feet aft of the forward mooring points as dimen-
sioned in figure 4-10. The aft mooring points are
located at F.S. 211.58.
Before mooring the aircraft will be nec-
essary to install a mooring clevis at each of the four
jacking points. A mechanics tool kit will be required.
Older UH-1 aircraft have jack points with a
compared with .312 inches on newer UH-1
aircraft. On the older UH-1 aircraft the ex-
isting .25 inch hole will need to be enlarged
to .312 inches to accommodate the current
bolt and shackle configuration.
Connect two chain assemblies from the
forward jack-points to the forward mooring pad
Connect two chain assemblies from the
forward mooring pad points to the rear jack-points.
Connect two chain assemblies from the
rear jack-points to the center mooring pad points.
It is highly recommended that UH-1 heli-
copters be flown with the mooring hard-
ware installed at all times to permit a
rapid response to weather emergen-
OH-58 Helicopter Mooring Procedures.
The mooring hardware is to be carried in
the flyaway kit. Flying the OH-58 with the
mooring hardware installed may result in
damage to the aircrafts honeycomb sur-
face. Retain all hardware together for
each specific installation: due to wear,
the bushings may not be interchange-
Position the aircraft on the mooring pad
with the longitudinal centerline of the aircraft directly
above and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pad
as shown in figures 4-11 and 4-12. The forward jack-
points are to be located 4 feet aft of the forward
mooring pad points as dimensioned in figure 4-11
and 4-12.
Before mooring the aircraft it will be nec-
essary to attach a mooring clevis to each of the
three jackpoints. The clevis provided will not be
large enough to accept the hooks on the mooring
chains provided with mooring pad. Mooring rings
are to be installed on the aircraft as shown in figure