TM 1-1520-240-102-15-9Table 2-15-1. ServicingSERVICEABLE ITEMMATERIALSPECIFICATIONCAPACITY(SEE NOTE A)L Main TankJP-4, JP-5MIL-T-5624278 GallonsR Main Tankor JP-8MIL-T-83133274 GallonsL Fwd Aux TankJP-4, JP-5MIL-T-5624122 GallonsR Fwd Aux Tankor JP-8MIL-T-83133119 GallonsL Aft Aux TankJP-4, JP-5MIL-T-5624118 GallonsR Aft Aux Tankor JP-8MIL-T-83133117 GallonsERFS II Tank 1,2, or 3JP-4, JP-5 or JP-8MIL-T-5624MIL-T-83133825.5 Gallons825.5 GallonsEach Engine Oil TAnkLubrication OilMIL-L-23699 or MIL-L-7808(See note C)12 QuartsAPU Engine OilLubrication OilMIL-L-23699 or MIL-L-7808(See note C)3 QuartsForward TransmissionLubrication OilDOD-L-85734 or MIL-L-23699(See note C)26 QuartsAft TransmissionLubrication OilDOD-L-85734 or MIL-L-23699(See note C)41 QuartsCombining TransmissionLubrication OilDOD-L-85734 or MIL-L-23699(See note C)20 QuartsEngine Transmission (each)Lubrication OilDOD-L-85734 or MIL-L-23699(See note C)10 QuartsEach Flight Control System Res-ervoirHydraulic FluidMIL-H-83282 (See note B)2 QuartsUtility Hydraulic System ReservoirHydraulic FluidMIL-H-83282 (See note B)6 QuartsRotor Head Oil TanksLubrication OilMIL-L-7808As RequiredShock Absorbers and LandingGear Shock StrutsHydraulic FluidMIL-5606As RequiredSwashplatesGreaseMIL-G-81322As RequiredTires — 8.50 x 10 Type III, For-ward and AftAir/Nitrogen88 PSIAccumulatorsAir/NitrogenBB-N-411Apu StartBrakesPower Steering/Swivel LockSignal AccumulatorUtility ReservoirNo. 1 and No. 2 Flight ControlWARNINGSynthetic oils, such as MIL-L-23699, DOD-L-85734 and MIL-L-7808, may soften paint or stain clothingupon contact. If synthetic oil is spilled on painted surfaces, those surfaces should be cleanedimmediately. Skin should be thoroughly washed after contact and saturated clothing should beremoved immediately. Prolonged skin contact with synthetic oils may cause a skin rash. Areaswhere synthetic oils are used should have adequate ventilation to keep mist and fumes to a mini-mum.NOTES:A. These are maximum capacities which include residual and trapped oil/fuel. Servicing capacities will be less.B. Hydraulic fluid MIL-H-5606 may be used when MIL-H-83282 is not available.C. When FAT is below -32_C, use MIL-L-7808.
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