TM 1-1520-240-102-15-12 Table 2-15-4. JP-5 and JP-8 Equivalent FuelMILITARY FUELU.S.JP-5 (MIL-T-5624)JP-8 (MIL-T-83133)NATOF-44F-34COMMERCIAL FUELS (ASTM-D-1655) JET A/JET A-1*American Oil Co.American type AAtlantic RichfieldArcoJet AArcojet A-1Richfield Div.Richfield ARichfield A-1B.P. TradingB.P.A.T.KCaltrex Petroleum Corp.Caltex Jet A-1ChevronChevron A-50Chevron A-1Cities Service Co.CITGO AContinetal Oil Co.Conoco Jet-50Conoco Jet-60EXXON Co., USAEXXON AEXXON A-1Gulf OilGulf Jet AGulf Jet A-1Mobil OilMobil Jet AMobil Jet A-1Phillips PetroleumPhilijet A-50Shell OilAeroshell 640Aeroshell 650SinclairSuperjet ASuperjet A-1Standard Oil Co.Jet A KeroseneJet A-1 KeroseneTexacoAvjet AAvjet A-1Union Oil76 Turbine FuelFOREIGN FUELS (NATO-F44)Canada3-GP-24eWest GermanyUTL-9130-007.UTL-9130-010ItalyAMC-143NetherlandsD. Eng RD 2493United Kingdom (Britain)D. Eng RD 2498* Commercial fuel such as ASTM-D-1655 not containing a icing inhibitor per MIL-I-27686 (commercial name is“PRIST”). Use PRIST in accordance with instructions on the can. Anti-icing and Biocidal Additive for CommercialTurbine Engine Fuel - The fuel system icing inhibitor shall conform to MIL-L-27686. The additive provides anti-ic-ing protection and also functions as a biocide to kill microbial growths in helicopter fuel system,s. Icing inhibitorconforming to MIL-I-27686 shall be added to commercial fuel not containing an icing inhibitor during refueling op-erations, regardless of ambient temperatures. Refueling operations shall be accomplished in accordance with ac-cepted commercial procedures. Commercial product PRIST conforms to MIL-I-27686.
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