TM 1-1520-240-10
Several beeps will be heard in the headset.
This means that the old CNV is being replaced by a new
Using this new CNV, the net controller will
ask for a radio check.
After the radio check is completed, the net
controller instructions will be to resume normal commu-
nications. No action should be taken until the net control-
ler requests a radio check.
d. Manual remote keying procedures. The net con-
troller will make contact on a secure voice channel with
instructions to stand by for a new CNV by a manual
remote keying (MK) action. Upon instructions from the
net controller:
Set the FILL switch to position 6. Notify the
net controller by radio and stand by.
When notified by the net controller, set the
MODE switch to RV (receive variable). Notify the net
controller and stand by.
When notified by the net controller, set the
FILL switch to any storage position selected to receive
the new CNV (may be unused or contain the variable
being replaced). Notify the net controller and stand by.
When performing step (3), the storage posi-
tion (1 through 6) selected to receive the new
CNV may be unused or it may contain the
variable which is being replaced.
Upon instructions from the net controller:
Listen for the beep on your headset.
Wait two seconds.
Set the MODE switch to OP.
If the MK operation was successful, the net
controller will now contact you via the CNV.
If the MK operation was not successful, the
net controller will contact you via clear voice (plain) trans-
mission, with instructions to set your FILL selector switch
to position 6 and stand by while the MK operations re-
e. It is important to be familiar with certain KY-58
audio tones. Some tones indicate normal operation while
others indicate equipment malfunction. These tones are
heard only in the cipher mode and are:
Continuous beeping, with background
noise, is a crypto alarm. This occurs when power is first
applied to the KY-58 or when the KY-58 is zeroized. This
beeping is part of normal KY-58 operation but must be
cleared by momentarily keying the No.1 VHF AM/FM
Radio before communications can be achieved.
Background noise indicates that the KY-58
is working properly. This noise should occur at power on
of the KY-58 and when the KY-58 is generating a crypto-
variable. If the background noise is not heard at power
on, the equipment must be checked out by maintenance
Continuous tone should indicate a parity
alarm. This will occur whenever an empty storage regis-
ter is selected while holding the PTT button in. This tone
can mean any of three conditions:
Selection of an empty storage register.
A bad cryptovariable is present.
Equipment failure has occurred. To
clear this tone, follow the loading procedures in TM
11-5810-262 -OP. If this tone continues, have the equip-
ment checked out by maintenance personnel.
Continuous tone could also indicate a crypto
alarm. If this tone occurs at any other time other than in
(3) above, equipment failure may have occurred. To clear
this tone, repeat the loading procedures in TM
11-5810-262 -OP. If this tone continues, have the equip-
ment checked out by maintenance personnel.
Single beep, when DELAY switch is
down(not selected), can indicate any of three normal
Each time the PTT button is pressed
when the KY-58 is in C (cipher) and a filled storage regis-
ter is selected, this tone will be heard. Normal use
(speaking) of the KY-58 is possible.
When the KY-58 has successfully re-
ceived a cryptovariable, this tone indicates that a good
cryptovariable is present in the selected register.
When you begin to receive a transmis-
sion, this tone indicates that the received signal is in a
secure voice.
A single beep, when the DELAY switch is up
(time delay) occurring after the preamble is sent, indi-
cates you may begin speaking.
A single beep, followed by a burst of noise
and a seemingly dead condition, indicates that your re-
ceiver is on a different variable than the distant transmit-
ter. If this tone occurs when in C/RAD1: Turn FILL switch
to the CNV, Plain-Cipher switch to PLAIN and contact the
transmitter in clear text and agree to meet on a particular