TM 1-1520-240-104-2-5single cartridges or short bursts can be fired. The triggermust be completely released for each shot to fire singlecartridges or to interrupt firing. When the ammunition isexhausted, the last link will remain in the cartridge tray.Remove the link and the end plug by hand after the coveris opened for loading.CAUTIONDo not fire the M24 machine guns unlessthe ejection control bags are installed.Failure to install the bags before firing themachine guns could cause the brass andlinks to be ejected overboard and ingestedinto the engines if engine screens are re-moved.CAUTIONThe M24 machine guns are not to be firedunless the RRPM is at minimum beep orhigher.3. After Firing Operation.a. Ensure the bolt is locked to the rear andthe weapon is placed on safe. Open thefeed tray cover and remove any rounds,links or end plug. Point the weapon sys-tem in a safe direction. Close the feedtray cover. Place the weapon in FIREand ride bolt forward.b. Retract the bolt by pulling the handlefully rearward until the sear engagesand then push the handle to forwardposition. Move the cover latch rearwardto the horizontal position and then raisethe cover. Remove the linked car-tridges.c. Inspect the chamber to be sure it isclear.d. Close the cover and secure the ma-chine gun in stowed position.
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