TM 1-1520-240-104-1-26 WARNINGDo not attempt to egress the aircraft with-out performing disconnect as this may re-sult in neck injury.CAUTIONDo not disconnect DU by pulling on thecable. To do so may damage the DU.3. Display Unit — Disconnect. Disconnect DUby gasping the PSCU and rotating thequick-release connector engagement ringand pull downward. Remove OU by loosen-ing thumbscrew on OU and remove OUfrom the ANVIS and place into protectivestorage case.4. Reattach neck cord to ANVIS.4-1-40. Emergency Egress.The quick-release feature allows you to exit quickly fromthe aircraft in an emergency without:a.Damaging or turning the unit off.b.Getting tangled in cords.c.Being restrained in the cockpit by hardwired con-nections.d.Removing ANVIS.It is up to the operator to determine the desired mode ofdisconnect based upon his evaluation of the emergencycondition and whether or not the ANVIS goggles will beneeded following egress. The available means of discon-nect are as follows.e.Release the ANVIS goggles from the helmet.f.Disconnect the OU from the ANVIS goggles viathe thumbscrew.g.For routine disconnect, take hold of PSCU androtate the quick-release connector engagement ring andpull downward.h.For emergency disconnect, take hold of PSCUpull down.
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