TM 1-1520-240-104-1-22 No.SymbolSourceRange/Description19 Sensor, Fire WarningsLight Plate Ass’yCockpitATT (failure of copilot VGI), MSL, IAS, FIRE; ATT, MSL, andIAS can be cleared from display by selecting “ACK” (SeeNOTE). FIRE cannot be cleared.20 Horizon Line (pitch,roll)Vertical Gyro, Co-pilotPitch: "30_Roll: 0 - 359_21 Display Mode NumberHUD System1N - 4N for normal modes, 1D - 4D for declutter modes22 Torque LimitsTorque Transduc-er(> 100%, solid box)(>123%, thresholds, solid boxflashes)23 Torque - NumericsTorque Transduc-er0 - 130% (flashes when engine torque separation is greaterthan 5% threshold) Max % torque split between cockpit pan-el and HUD is 3%24 Ground SpeedDoppler0 - 999 knots/ 0 -530 km/h (dependent on doppler)25 Indicated AirspeedAir Data Trans-ducer0 - 220 knots (no symbol 00 knots and below, reappears at02 knots)26 Attitude Reference In-dicatorHUD SystemRepresents helicopter27 Engines TemperatureThermocoupleAmplifiers0 - 999_C (0 - 755_C, 2_units; 776_C - 999_C, 1_units) Maxsplit between cockpit and HUD is "15_28 Distance to WaypointDoppler0 - 999.9 km29 Bearing to Waypoint -NumericDoppler0 - 359_NOTE: After ACK is used to acknowledge a fault, the fault will not reappear until BIT is selected or power is cycledoff and on.Figure 4-1-9. CH-47D HUD Master Mode Symbology Display (Sheet 3 of 3)4-1-32. Operation.4-1-33. Starting Procedure.1. ADJ/ON/OFF switch - OFF.2. Optical unit support clamps — Installed onANVIS. Verify clamps can be rotated.NOTECheck surface of lense for cleanliness. Cleanin accordance with TM 11-5855-300-10.3. DU lens — Check.WARNINGFailure to remove the ANVIS neck cordprior to operation of the HUD may preventegress from the aircraft in an emergencyand may result in serious injury or death.4. ANVIS neck cord — Removed.5. Optical unit - Install on ANVIS. Attach Opti-cal Unit (OU) to either ANVIS monocularhousing. Do not tighten OU clamp com-pletely with thumbscrew at this time. TheOU (display) may have to be rotated to hori-zon after the system is operating.The helmet may now have to be rebalanced.6. EYE SELECT switch on PSCU — L or R.WARNINGCCU ADJ/ON/OFF switch must be OFF be-fore connecting or disconnecting quickrelease connector.CAUTIONThe AN/AVS-7 system should not be usedif the quick-release connector is not inworking order.7. PSCU — Connect. Connect PSCU toquick-release connector by rotating theconnector engagement ring.
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