TM 1-1520-240-104-1-258. MODE 1-4/DCLT switch — DCLT (1Dthrough 4D). The first DCLT mode that willappear is “1D” (Declutter Mode 1).NOTEIf MODE 1-4/DCLT switch is toggled to DCLTa second time the display will cycle back to theDCLT’s normal mode (1N-4N). The MODE1-4/DCLT switch must be set to MODE 1-4 toadvance to another normal mode.9. Repeat steps 4 through 7, for declutter.10. Mode 1-4/DCLT switch — As required.11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 until all desiredmodes are programmed.12. P-PGM/CP-PGM/OP switch — OP.WARNINGAn improperly adjusted barometric altim-eter will result in an improperly set HUDbarometric altitude display.NOTEBarometric altimeter set to the most currentaltimeter settings, field elevation.4-1-37. Adjustment of Barometric Altitude, Pitch,and Roll.1. Ensure P-PGM/OP/CP-PGM switch is inthe OP position.2. ADJ/ON/OFF switch — Pull and set to ADJ.NOTEChanges to barometric altimeter settings willrequire a corresponding change to the HUDbarometric altitude. Each 0.01 inch change inpressure equals 10 feet.3. ADJ blinking in display — Check.4. INC/DEC switch — As required for BAROALT.5. BIT/ACK switch — ACK.6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for pitch and roll.7. ADJ/ON/OFF switch — ON.4-1-38. In-flight Operation.WARNINGWhenever the symbology displayed in theDU is suspected of being incorrect the pi-lot will compare the data with the aircraftinstrument indicator and take appropriateaction.WARNINGExcessive brightness of the symbologydisplay may impair vision outside thecockpit.WARNINGInterruption of electrical power, such aschange over from APU generator to NO. 1and NO. 2 generators and vice versa, willcause DU to default to minimum bright-ness and normal MODE 1N. Any adjust-ments made to the barometric altitude,pitch and roll prior to flight will be lost,thereby decreasing the accuracy of thebarometric altitude, pitch and roll.1. BRT/DIM switch — As desired.NOTEWhenever the symbology is interfering withthe outside visibility, declutter may be se-lected to remove symbology.2. MODE 1-4/DCLT switch — As required.4-1-39. System Shutdown Procedure.1. Set ADJ/ON/OFF switch —OFF.2. Turn off ANVIS.WARNINGCCU ADJ/ON/OFF switch must be OFF be-fore connecting or disconnecting quick-release connector.WARNINGDo not disconnect DU by pulling on thecable connected to the PSCU. The DUcould be damage or the cable may sepa-rate from the PSCU creating an explosiveatmosphere hazard.
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