TM 1-1520-240-104-1-174-1-26. CMDS Messages.Below is a list of messages appearing on the CMDSdisplay:DISPLAYMALFUNCTIONOFPMDF#NoneJETTISON ONJettison switch onPROFAIL GO BYPLoss of programmerAUTOFAIL GO MANNot usedBUMP FAILNot usedAUTO DEGNot usedPROGAFIL GO BYPLoss of SDLCDU FAIL GO BYPDCDU failureCH ENAB SW FAILLoss of chaff inhibitFL ENAB SW FAILLoss of flare inhibitO1 ENAB SW FAILLoss of OTHER 1 inhibitO2 ENAB SW FAILLoss of OTHER 2 inhibitRWR ENAB SW FAIL Loss of RWR inhibitJETT FAILLoss of remote jettison switchMAN FAIL CH PROGLoss of DCDU PRGM switchMAN FAIL1-4 FAILLoss of manual dispenseSEQ#FAILSequencer failureSEQ#INV DEGPayload polling problemSEQ#BYP DEGBypass dispense problemSEQ#JETT FAILLoss of bypass jettisonSEQ#OP FAILSequencer safety failure4-1-27. Heads Up Display (AN/AVS-7) System.The Heads Up Display (HUD) System (fig. 4-1-8) servesas an aid to pilots using the AN/AVS -6 (ANVIS) duringnight flight operations. The system allows the pilot andcopilot to receive flight data without viewing the instru-ment panel. Instrument data is applied to the system,processed for display, and superimposed over the AN-VIS image. The set consists of the Converter Control Unit(CCU) on the console, the Signal Data Converter (SDC)on the avionics shelf, an inclinometer and air data trans-ducer both located on the avionics shelf, a HUD controlswitch on the pilot’s/copilot’s THRUST CONT (control)lever, and the Display Unit (DU), consisting of the OpticalUnit (OU) and Power Supply Calibration Unit (PSCU).The CCU selects pilot/copilot programming which allowsthe pilot and copilot to select information for their respec-tive display modes from a master set of symbols. Thepilot and copilot can independently program up to eightdisplay modes, four normal and four declutter, which canbe selected for display. Declutter can be used when lesssymboling is needed. The declutter mode has four vitalsymbols that will always be displayed: Airspeed, Altitude(MSL), Altitude (pitch and roll), and Engine Torque (s). Anadjust mode, during operation is used to adjust baromet-ric altitude, pitch and roll. If the HUD system loses operat-ing power after adjustments have been made, the baro-metric altitude, pitch and roll must be readjusted. Thesystem self test is divided into power-up and operatorinitialized built-in-test (BIT) and infight (BIT). The systembuilt-in test (BIT) is initialized during power-up or se-lected by the operator. Part of the BIT is a periodic testthat is performed automatically along with normal systemoperation. A failure of the SDC, pilot’s DU, or copilot’s DUwill illuminate the CCU FAIL light and display a FAILmessage on the DU. When a fail message is displayedon the DU, the operator should acknowledge the failureand rerun BIT to confirm the fault. 26-volt AC to operatethe HUD system is taken from the No. 1 INSTXFMRthrough the HUD REF circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDPDC power for the system is taken from the ESSENTIALbus through the HUD SYS circuit breaker also on the No.1 PDP.4-1-28. Controls and Function, Converter ControlUnit. (fig. 4-1-8)CONTROLS/INDICATORFUNCTIONCPLTBRT/DIM SwitchThree position toggle switchspring loaded to off. Whenplaced to BRT or DIM positionmomentarily, copilots displaywill increase or decreasebrightness (when held,displays will go full bright orfull dim).DSPL POS D/U/L/RCopilot’s control for displayposition down/up (outerknob) and left/right (innerknob).MODE 1-4/DCLTThree position toggle switchspring loaded to off. Changesthe copilot’s primary modeand/or primary mode’sdeclutter display.PLTBRT/DIM SwitchThree position toggle switchspring loaded to off. Whenplaced to BRT or DIMposition momentarily,copilot’s display will increaseor decrease brightness(when held, display will gofull bright or full dim).
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