TM 1-1520-240-10
4-1-24. Normal Operation.
Keep all expendables impulse cartridges
(located inside the base of the expend-
able), away from fire and high temperatu-
res. Each cartridge generates an extreme-
ly high gas pressure and temperature if
accidentally fired. Impulse cartridges
must be handled with extreme care or inju-
ry to personnel could result.
Ensure safety pin with streamer is
installed in the safety switch when the he-
licopter is parked to prevent accidental fir-
ing of expendables, possibly resulting in
injury to personnel. Remove safety pin
only to perform authorized tests or imme-
diately before takeoff.
The CMDS is capable of automatic or manual dispensing
of expendables. Selecting SEMI or AUTO mode enables
automatic dispensing of expendables when the AN/
ALQ-156 missile detection system senses a missile ap-
proaching and MWS switch on the DCDU is on. Expend-
able cartridges are manually dispensed using the FLARE
DISP button on the pilots or copilots cyclic grip or by
using any of the four hand-held crew dispense switches
located in the cabin at station 200 and 400 BL47 left and
right. Dispensing of expendables is inhibited when the
aircraft has weight on the wheels (WOW); safety pin in
AN/ALE-47 safety switch; squib power circuit breakers
are pulled (out). CMDS operation is as follows:
Jettison mode will dispense flares with
mode switch in the OFF position if the
safety pin is removed from the safety
switch and landing gear proximity switch
indicates no ground contact or if the land-
ing gear status panels landing gear
switch is in bypass.
Prior to turning on power to the system,
ensure that the safety pin is installed in the
AN/ALE-47 safety switch to prevent the in-
advertent dispensing of expendables.
The AN/ALQ-156 should be turned on and in
standby mode prior to applying power to the
1. Safety pin Installed in AN/ALE-47 safety
switch, streamer visible.
2. Set DCDU switches as follows:
a. JETTISON switch Aft (switch guard
b. MANUAL switch 1, 2, 3, or 4 as re-
The CMDS takes five seconds to warm up
when turned on. No dispensing is possible
during warm-up. The system performs BIT
during power-up and displays GO or NO-GO
with a momentary illumination of the DIS-
PENSE READY advisory on the DCDU. The
DCDU then displays the Operational Flight
Program (OFP), followed by the Mission Data
File (MDF) version number (#XXXX), then the
number of loaded expendables (flares) is dis-
c. MODE switch STBY.
d. O1, O2, CH, and FL inhibit switches
Off (Indicator light not illuminated).
e. RWR, JMR, and MWS inhibit switches
Off (Indicator light not illuminated).
f. AN/ALE-47 lighting control potentiome-
ter (Misc. Control Panel) Adjust
DCDU LED display illumination as re-
A countermeasure dispense may be initi-
ated if BIT is initiated with DCDU power on,
the safety pin removed from the safety
switch, the aircraft in a weight off wheels
condition, and either squib power circuit
breaker in.
3. Observe the following on the DCDU:
a. DISPENSE READY and NO-GO lights
b. The four segments above each pay-
load enable switch illuminate all pixels.
c. The following appears in the sixteen
character display of the DCDU:
(1) Current version of the OFP and
(2) CMDS pilots fault list (PFL), if a
fault has been detected.
(3) Payload inventory O1, O2, and FL
displays current inventory.